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Object Thrown

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Let's hope Hamilton make more of an effort to find the coin-thrower than the bheasts did to find the lighter-thrower four years ago (ie. none). Anyone know if the SPL observer has made mention of this, or was he watching the Rangers fans for 90 minutes? :rolleyes:


As for finding a song the mopes and mhedia can't twist, forget it, they can twist whatever they like. These are the people who wailed that the Bouncy was mimicking jumping on Catholics' heads, and tried to say our socks symbolled being "up to our knees in feenyan blood". Then there's the songs they simply make up out of thin air - remember "kill a feenyan before I die"?

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The SFA observer was Alex Smith and he (nor has the referee) mentioned this incident in his report.....


On the subject of the bheasts, they couldn't even catch the guy that threw a mobile phone at Nacho - how hard can it be to trace the owner of a mobile phone? Simply look up 'home' on teh phones contacts. dial and ask who the fook it is.....


As for the lighter thrower, give Celtc a break, there were only 64 CCTV cameras in action that day :whistle:


Like Punch A Pape, Kill A Catholic is something we all indulge in.... well' according to Timmy anyway..


Cammy F

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The SFA observer was Alex Smith and he (nor has the referee) mentioned this incident in his report.....


On the subject of the bheasts, they couldn't even catch the guy that threw a mobile phone at Nacho - how hard can it be to trace the owner of a mobile phone? Simply look up 'home' on teh phones contacts. dial and ask who the fook it is.....


As for the lighter thrower, give Celtc a break, there were only 64 CCTV cameras in action that day :whistle:


Like Punch A Pape, Kill A Catholic is something we all indulge in.... well' according to Timmy anyway..


Cammy F


"Like Punch A Pape,"


I got a lifetime ban from FF for saying that was unreal :confused:


but made me find this site so i am happy :):rfc:


If we threw a coin at a hamilton player at Ibrox would it be mentioned in any Report - You Bet It Would!


Everyone would want a piece of us.

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