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SPL begin chief executive search

Guest Jum Spence

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Scumbag should be embarrassed taking up any "new role". The man who did everything in his power to see us fucked over last season. I had to go through my MSP to get a reply from him as to why the chimps were allowed to spit on the graves of our war dead in November. I've since binned his letter, but the basic jist of it was: "Stop wasting my time you orange bastard".

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'Taking up a new role' means that the scumbag will be getting a promotion and salary increase from 500k PA to 750k PA..... and there's no money in Scottish football for a decent youth system??? Corruption of the highest order!! What's the bets that the Catholic church get huge donations from these corrupt scumbags every time they go to mass?

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Hope you don't think I'm being OTT bringing the Catholic church into the equation, but FWIW I think they ARE involved with the corruption in Scottish football. There's no way that they aren't involved, put it that way.

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