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The slating of walter smith and the team!

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Like mainflyer says ill never forgive Smith for playing for a draw In the Uefa cup final.


There is no such thing as a draw in a non-replay cup-tie and so it's impossible to play for one.


Smith played to our strengths in the UEFA cup final - the same strengths that got us where other Rangers teams couldn't. We wouldn't have even been there without those tactics.


Some say it was lucky, but it's funny how we were lucky, doing the same thing, game after game.


The more we practiced the tactics, the luckier we got, eh?


I think what people forget is that sometimes, a better team with far more rest and less games played, can sometimes make you look pretty ordinary.


Zenet were an excellent, more expensive team at the peak of their game and were halfway through their season and had a two week rest from competitive football.


Some people on here seem to think you can just go out on a pitch and play any way you like and if you are gung ho you can easily win.


Football has never been, and never will be that straightforward as what people seem to forget is that there is another team out there trying to win too and also trying to stop you playing well to do so.


But it's just wierd that some people would prefer to play a wee bit of nice attacking football and get gubbed in the last 16, rather than be pragmatic and more defensive, getting to the final and losing.


How the former is forgivable and the latter is unforgivable, is totally beyond me.

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Where was he quoted in saying that "rangers didn't have the quality of young player to bring through to the first team" I didn't see that interview not saying it didn't happen but i just find it very strange he would come out with they words. It is more or less saying that murray park and the whole youth development team are worthless. I would like to see that full interview because i've heard him saying in a numerous amount of occasions that there are 3 or 4 knocking on the door of the first team!


I'm sure his words were twisted in that he was saying that while we had plenty of promising youngsters, there wasn't many quite ready to step up to the first team.

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I'm sure his words were twisted in that he was saying that while we had plenty of promising youngsters, there wasn't many quite ready to step up to the first team.


No, that wasn't it at all. You're putting words in his mouth that he didn't say. However, ill-judged, he said what he said.

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The guy deserves the slating he's getting.


Boring to watch due to his negative tactics, even against the smaller teams. Puzzling team selections too.


I found us more boring under PLG and also Eck's last few seasons where it was so frustrating to watch. At least now we look like we're going to win.


We're the biggest, most successful club in Scotland (and the world)


Eh, we are currently top of the Scottish league and have advanced as far as we can in both cups, of which we are holders of both... We also just got to a European final 9 months ago. Just what is your point?


yet WS has got us struggling to beat teams like Falkirk and St Johnstone.

We should be running over the top of these teams not struggling to beat them.


Rangers have rarely consistently "run over the top" of these types of teams and I remember going to a St Johnstone game under Advocaat, with our most expensive team ever, where a 12M striker came off the bench to try and consolidate a goal we scored in the first minute. I was two minutes late, missed the goal and watched us struggle terribly against the Perth side. One of the worst games I've been to.


PLG couldn't even beat these teams and we went out of the League cup to a lesser St Johnstone to that of today.


The opposition are more often than not playing us off the park. Think back to St Johnstone up at McDermaind Park. They could've put us out on our arses all because we sat back and invited them onto us.


That's just not true. We are dominating most games and are far more comfortable than we've been for a long time.


That's not the standard of play I expect from the worlds most successful club.


This is just a totally irrelevant quote. What are we the most successful at? Winning our league. Well, Walter achieved more points in his first half season than any other SPL club, he would have won last season if the fixture list had allowed and he's top of the league now. What more do you expect? Just exactly what criteria are you measuring him by?


I'll tell you now that we have never been world famous for playing the best football or thrashing teams the most. Right now we are doing what we are famous for.


I think it's asking a bit much to expect any team to roll over all other teams every week. It rarely happens in any league. We score more goals now than under Souness, so maybe your expectations are just unobtainable. I doubt you'll ever be happy.


But your post shows the irony we have on here, when you measure Walter by your own objective criteria, he passes with no problem. Then you include some erroneous subjective criteria to beat him with.

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I also want to point out that Walter already HAS moved our team forward. Let's look at whether some previous managers have gained more SPL points in their tenure than any other team in the league.


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


Or how about European quarter finals


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


What OBJECTIVE criteria should we measure them by?


I was a big critic of Alex McLeish and PLG when they were miles behind Celtic and had a lot of people defending them.


How would it have been if I was attacking either of them after winning all cups entered and not out of both this season, narrow losing the league due to a fixture pile up, being top of the league this season, and also getting to a European final?


I would have been pilloried - and this is despite the fact I think we played crap football under both previous managers (latterly for Eck). We were also fragile and you never knew till the final whistle that we'd win a game.


Walter smith has taken us forward but people have short memories when it suits them.


I don't think Walter is the best manager around but we tried the reputed best young manager in Europe and he could not do the simple thing of keeping us in reasonable contention for trophies while building a new side.


Walter is doing the job in and achieving better results relative to the competition than any other modern day manager. If PLG needed time after going out early from both cups and being 17 points behind in half a season, who can really say that Walter Smith doesn't deserve a bit of time - to at least deliver us the SPL and he still has a great chance at the treble?

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Think Calscot is taking the reasonable and common sense approach.


I don't agree with everything Smith does and don't understand some of his decisions. But then that's been the case with every manager i've witnessed to a greater or lesser extent.


There are definite question marks over the man. If he doesn't deliver a league title this year even the less militant of fans will be asking questions.


For a manager who is one course for a treble, potentially winning 5 trophies and reaching a European final in his first 2 (full) seasons, I think he deserves more backing. For now.....

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I also want to point out that Walter already HAS moved our team forward. Let's look at whether some previous managers have gained more SPL points in their tenure than any other team in the league.


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


Or how about European quarter finals


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


What OBJECTIVE criteria should we measure them by?


I was a big critic of Alex McLeish and PLG when they were miles behind Celtic and had a lot of people defending them.


How would it have been if I was attacking either of them after winning all cups entered and not out of both this season, narrow losing the league due to a fixture pile up, being top of the league this season, and also getting to a European final?


I would have been pilloried - and this is despite the fact I think we played crap football under both previous managers (latterly for Eck). We were also fragile and you never knew till the final whistle that we'd win a game.


Walter smith has taken us forward but people have short memories when it suits them.


I don't think Walter is the best manager around but we tried the reputed best young manager in Europe and he could not do the simple thing of keeping us in reasonable contention for trophies while building a new side.


Walter is doing the job in and achieving better results relative to the competition than any other modern day manager. If PLG needed time after going out early from both cups and being 17 points behind in half a season, who can really say that Walter Smith doesn't deserve a bit of time - to at least deliver us the SPL and he still has a great chance at the treble?

Do you have the numbers?

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I also want to point out that Walter already HAS moved our team forward. Let's look at whether some previous managers have gained more SPL points in their tenure than any other team in the league.


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


Or how about European quarter finals


John Grieg - No

Jock Wallace - No

Graeme Souness - Yes

Walter Smith - Yes

Dick Advocaat - No

Alex McLeish - No

Paul Le Guen - No

Walter Smith - Yes


What OBJECTIVE criteria should we measure them by?


I was a big critic of Alex McLeish and PLG when they were miles behind Celtic and had a lot of people defending them.


How would it have been if I was attacking either of them after winning all cups entered and not out of both this season, narrow losing the league due to a fixture pile up, being top of the league this season, and also getting to a European final?


I would have been pilloried - and this is despite the fact I think we played crap football under both previous managers (latterly for Eck). We were also fragile and you never knew till the final whistle that we'd win a game.


Walter smith has taken us forward but people have short memories when it suits them.


I don't think Walter is the best manager around but we tried the reputed best young manager in Europe and he could not do the simple thing of keeping us in reasonable contention for trophies while building a new side.


Walter is doing the job in and achieving better results relative to the competition than any other modern day manager. If PLG needed time after going out early from both cups and being 17 points behind in half a season, who can really say that Walter Smith doesn't deserve a bit of time - to at least deliver us the SPL and he still has a great chance at the treble?




please dont waffle on about Walter getting us to the Uefa cup final. He made us a laughing stock by the manner in which he got us there and then openly admits that he was playing for a draw once he got there. rangers may have reached that final but as a fan I find very little to talk about that European campaign. I certainly cant talk about the quality of football, we never played football. just put everybody behind the ball and hope to get a lucky break. Lucky run just about sums it up. I dont feel as if my team were ever i a final. I know we got there but it doesnt feel like it.


he gifted Celtic the league last year with his crap tactics, team selections and incompetence. Funnily enough its down to septics incompetence this season that we find ourselves top of the league.


Are we to pat him on the back for that?


Yeah well done Walter c****c are crap!


Im not going to let going top of the league paper over the cracks mate. It happened with the Uefa cup run last year and look what happened.


Hopefully we will win the league and Walter can ride off into the sunset with his head held high under the assumption of a good job done.


But the wreckage left behind will leave a scar that will run deep through the club for many years to come. his leagacy will be a �£30 million pound debt which is quite incredible given the fact that we reportedly earned 25 mill from Europe and sold Hutton, Cuellar and Sebo for 18 million.


And as you have seen in the transfer window the 30 million that hes spent seems to have been pissed up a wall too. Not one offer for one of his players when they were all in the shop window.


When Smith does step down I will remember him for one thing. Sheer utter incompetence, on and off the park. the opertunity was there in the summer to take the club to the next level and free us from the financial constraints that had haunted us for the last six years.


He never took . He missed the boat. And has left us in a world of shit.


And no amount of comparing him to past managers will hide that fact.


and like Mcleish someone else will have to come in and pick up all the pieces and clean the place up.


and if you thought times were hard before, you aint seen nothin yet.


Dont let the door slap you in the arse on the way out walter.

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please dont waffle on about Walter getting us to the Uefa cup final. He made us a laughing stock by the manner in which he got us there and then openly admits that he was playing for a draw once he got there. rangers may have reached that final but as a fan I find very little to talk about that European campaign. I certainly cant talk about the quality of football, we never played football. just put everybody behind the ball and hope to get a lucky break. Lucky run just about sums it up. I dont feel as if my team were ever i a final. I know we got there but it doesnt feel like it.


he gifted Celtic the league last year with his crap tactics, team selections and incompetence. Funnily enough its down to septics incompetence this season that we find ourselves top of the league.


Are we to pat him on the back for that?


Yeah well done Walter c****c are crap!


Im not going to let going top of the league paper over the cracks mate. It happened with the Uefa cup run last year and look what happened.


Hopefully we will win the league and Walter can ride off into the sunset with his head held high under the assumption of a good job done.


But the wreckage left behind will leave a scar that will run deep through the club for many years to come. his leagacy will be a �£30 million pound debt which is quite incredible given the fact that we reportedly earned 25 mill from Europe and sold Hutton, Cuellar and Sebo for 18 million.


And as you have seen in the transfer window the 30 million that hes spent seems to have been pissed up a wall too. Not one offer for one of his players when they were all in the shop window.


When Smith does step down I will remember him for one thing. Sheer utter incompetence, on and off the park. the opertunity was there in the summer to take the club to the next level and free us from the financial constraints that had haunted us for the last six years.


He never took . He missed the boat. And has left us in a world of shit.


And no amount of comparing him to past managers will hide that fact.


and like Mcleish someone else will have to come in and pick up all the pieces and clean the place up.


and if you thought times were hard before, you aint seen nothin yet.


Dont let the door slap you in the arse on the way out walter.


You find it hard to remember and enjoy the wonderful 3-0 away victory in Lyon? You find it hard to remember and enjoy a double header against Barcalona? You find it hard to remember and enjoy a pulsating game against Stuttgart? and only missing out on qualifying from the group of death by 3 points? Remember this was a group where many experts predictated that we wouldn't gain 1 single point.


The UEFA Cup run also had some very rememberable high points, especially away from Ibrox, the 2-0 victory in Lisbon over Sporting and the drama of the penalty shoot out against Fiorintina being instantly rememberable.


Walter Smith is due stick for some of his decisions last season (and this), but to completely write off the CL Group and the run to the UEFA Cup Final as nothing to remember is absolutely mental.


Cammy F

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You find it hard to remember and enjoy the wonderful 3-0 away victory in Lyon? You find it hard to remember and enjoy a double header against Barcalona? You find it hard to remember and enjoy a pulsating game against Stuttgart? and only missing out on qualifying from the group of death by 3 points? Remember this was a group where many experts predictated that we wouldn't gain 1 single point.


The UEFA Cup run also had some very rememberable high points, especially away from Ibrox, the 2-0 victory in Lisbon over Sporting and the drama of the penalty shoot out against Fiorintina being instantly rememberable.


Walter Smith is due stick for some of his decisions last season (and this), but to completely write off the CL Group and the run to the UEFA Cup Final as nothing to remember is absolutely mental.


Cammy F


I stopped reading his post after 2-3 paragraphs tbh.


Some posters are more negative than others, fair enough. Boring palce if we all agreed all the time etc etc.


The reality, though, is that sometimes a team of lesser quality must utilise defensive tactics to oust a team of greater quality.


Do you not see the reaction of the "wee teams" when they come to Ibrox and get a result? In cup competition and at the elite level, sometimes the end does jsutify the means.


If you didn't enjoy all that Cammy said above your probably watching the wrong sport.


We all would like Rangers to have the best players in the world, play the best football, make the Champions League latter stages on a regular basis and steam roller quality opposition. The reality for a team from Scotland is that that is no longer possible. If you can't enjoy reaching our first European final in my life time, or in decades, what can you enjoy?


Edit: Ps That's not to say we should not aspire to the above, but at the same time we should not write off tremendous achievements.

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