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Lawwell pleased at Celtic figures

Guest Jum Spence

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Just the difference in the level of debt alone gives them a significant financial advantage.


With their debt at 1 million and ours at, say, 20 million (cant be bothered looking at the numbers this early on a Saturday morning) not only does the size of the debt play a part but just the interest plays a significant part.


At a 5% interest rate (which is conservative I would imagine) they would be paying 50k a year in interest whilst we would be paying 1 million. 950k is either an additional player to the playing pool (if you accumulate the interest over 3 yrs it is a 3 mill player) or a decent contribution to wages.


On the face of it (and I dont have a great desire to review their finances just now) it looks like very decent results for them. 10% rise in turnover is good and a reduction in debt to negligible levels is also good. It shows that they dont seem to be relying on external financing the same way we are and, given the credit markets, that is a good position to be in. It looks like they are better prepared for any recession than we are as they, no doubt, will have unused credit facilities in place whilst we seem to have exhausted the lines of credit we have available to us.


It is hard to compare without looking at both club's financial statements but just on those numbers in that report it would appear that they are in much better financial shape than we are.

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It may be difficult to answer conclusively, but does that merely highlight the importance of winning the league and CL football or is there more to it than that?



IMO there is more to it than that BUT you cannot discount the benefit of the cash from the CL. I dont know how much clubs get for the CL but I would imagine that Celtic would have profitted to the tune of perhaps 5-10 million for their CL appearances so even at the most conservative level it would appear that they would have done not much more than break even had they not had the CL.


Dependent on their cash position they also may have seen higher debt.

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