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AIDEN McGEADY sports a shiner at training � after being THUMPED by Artur Boruc.


SunSport can reveal the Celtic stars had to be pulled apart by stunned team-mates in a sensational training ground barney.


McGeady clashed with the Holy Goalie on the pitch at the club�s Lennoxtown base on Thursday afternoon.


It looked like the fracas was sorted out after the pair screamed and bawled at each other.


However tempers boiled over again when McGeady and Boruc reached the dressing room.


And the Polish keeper lashed out at the winger, landing a blow to his left eye.


Gaffer Gordon Strachan confirmed an altercation took place, but tried to play it down.


And he revealed no action will be taken against either player.


Strachan laughed and said: ââ?¬Å?There was nothing untoward which weââ?¬â?¢ve not seen before on a football field or a training field.ââ?¬Â


Both players trained together yesterday and are set to face Queen�s Park in the Scottish Cup today.


Strachan added: ââ?¬Å?Weââ?¬â?¢ve all shouted and screamed on a training field and thatââ?¬â?¢ll not change.


ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s only shouting and screaming and all the boys were absolutely fantastic this morning.


ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢ve seen loads of things happen on the training field and not been far away from the action a few times myself, donââ?¬â?¢t worry about that. I could always run, though.


ââ?¬Å?There wonââ?¬â?¢t be any action taken against anyone. Weââ?¬â?¢re all fine, weââ?¬â?¢re okay. Everyone was in good spirits this morning, smashing spirits.ââ?¬Â


McGeady and Boruc have been no strangers to controversy this season.


In December McGeady was fined two weeks wages and suspended by the club for a fortnight after being involved in a dressing room bust-up with Strachan.


That looked set to end the 22-year-old�s Hoops career when he threatened to appeal the decision.


But after consultation with the Scottish PFA, the Republic or Ireland star accepted the punishment.


McGeady returned to the Celtic side with Strachan insisting the matter was resolved.




Boruc also breached club rules earlier this season and was fined �£50,000 for breaking a late-night curfew during pre-season training.


He hit the headlines again when he was pictured smoking, drinking and cavorting with his new girlfriend while back in Poland recovering from a knee injury.



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It's good a few of the tims are getting a slap, even funnier when it's from one of their own.


Only question. When Boruc has finished knocking all his team mates about, who get the honour of doing the holy goalie? :devil:


He beats himself up all the time with his performances

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