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Liverpool v Chelski

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Hopefully Manu will slip up, 1st time Liverpool have been seriously contending in donkeys years though. Still don't like Benitez and I always give up arguing/discussing Manu/Liverpool with her. I'd never win anyway :S


I didn't realise Manu still had a game in hand, would be more optomistic if it was just the 2 points but Liverpool really have shot themselves in the foot with the drawas recently.

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Hopefully Manu will slip up, 1st time Liverpool have been seriously contending in donkeys years though. Still don't like Benitez and I always give up arguing/discussing Manu/Liverpool with her. I'd never win anyway :S


I didn't realise Manu still had a game in hand, would be more optomistic if it was just the 2 points but Liverpool really have shot themselves in the foot with the drawas recently.


It was all in liverpools hands

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Fell asleep after 9 mins.


Chelsea have lost spirit and dont look near the team un the last few years. Too many ego's.


Man U wont slip up, they are way ahead of everyone. When is Man u v Liverpool next? that will clinch it.

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Did anyone see Bosingwas kick on the Liverpool player down at the corner flag when the game went into injury time? He jumped up and kicked the player (can't remember who) on the lower back and got away with it. Mental! What made it worse was that the linesman was standing about 2 yards from it all and never flagged or said a word to anyone. Disgrace!


Scolari even said he should've walked for it.


Refs and linesmen these days are just so incompetent they'll eventually ruin a teams season due to the silly and wrong decisions they make.

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Just watching the re-run of the game yesterday and Benitez just said he never saw the sending off so can't say whether Alonso kicked Lampard or the other way about.


Surely not Jon, isn't it only Wenger that doesn't see things? I must've heard it wrong. :devil:

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