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Liverpool v Chelski

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Gerrard up to his usual tricks.... diving.


And they try and blame the foreigners.


He committed an identical tackle to Lampard and wasn't even booked!


Andy Gray and the ref covered that after the game saying it was worse than Lampard and more aggresive. Hard to disagree.


Also thought it was Alonso that commited the foul moreso than Lampard although his boot was still high. Clearly won the ball though in comparison to Alonso's part.


Who cares though, Liverpool were by far and away the better side and got the 3 points that mattered :D (girlfriend raging cos a mad manu fan)

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Andy Gray and the ref covered that after the game saying it was worse than Lampard and more aggresive. Hard to disagree.


Also thought it was Alonso that commited the foul moreso than Lampard although his boot was still high. Clearly won the ball though in comparison to Alonso's part.


Who cares though, Liverpool were by far and away the better side and got the 3 points that mattered :D (girlfriend raging cos a mad manu fan)


Didn't see the post-match stuff.


Aye from what I saw Chelsea didn't really deserve anything. Doesn't help with those decisions though.

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Not sure if it changed the game or not tbh. 74 mins before Chelsea had a shot on target but by the same token, Liverpool were only really testing from long range. They did appear in control and the liklier to win throughout though. The longer the game went on, I thought Benitez was settling for a draw so relieved Torres got his first Anfield goal of the season.


The Manu game will be huge for Liverpool but the recent draws could well haunt them as Manu dont look like losing to anyone (apart from Liverpool ;) )

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