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Guest scotzine
One way to prove you are being threatened, is show everyone the proof. Now if you don't show the proof, you are then telling porkies my friend.


Now If I recall the poster said something along these lines.


"You stick to selling your gear in ****** parish church"


Why is that a threat? Where does it threaten you or your girlfriend? You are going out of your way to make enemies and to all concerned you appear to be one paranoid, mixed up Celtic fan.


Prove you were threatened and I'll apologise here and now.


I dare you>



Well until Frankie or Bluedell give me permission to do so then I will not as Frankie has said he doesnt want to get in the middle of an argument between me and the VB so until he says otherwise I will abide with his wishes but I will certainly send you the links screenshots thru pm if you wish?

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Well until Frankie or Bluedell give me permission to do so then I will not as Frankie has said he doesnt want to get in the middle of an argument between me and the VB so until he says otherwise I will abide with his wishes but I will certainly send you the links screenshots thru pm if you wish?


I think your game here is all but played out. Perhaps this would be a good time for you to go.

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I'd rather arguments between other sites didn't form part of the main board to be honest....


I think we all understand that. Perhaps the visitor might want to take up his concerns with the people he is accusing, rather than airing his grievances on here.

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Guest Bobby Grove
exactly frankie and that is why I have offered to send the screenshots by pm to Bobby Grove


Yes please do that!


I would suggest you stop making enemies of Rangers fans and stop frequenting Rangers supporters websites. It appears to be a peculiar condition that only you beggars appear to suffer from.


Rangersobsessionitis I believe it's called.


If I recall correctly, at least 5 accounts on the website you appear to be obsessed with. Why would you continually register for the same website?


I may well be wrong again, but did you not receive a message from the same website, saying you were just a daft wee boy and they had no interest in you whatsoever?


You also told the admin. if anyone came to get you in Linwood, you would call the cops. To which they basically laughed at you and told you to go and get your school unform pressed for the morning.


Grow up kiddo, you're making a fool of yourself again.

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Well until Frankie or Bluedell give me permission to do so then I will not as Frankie has said he doesnt want to get in the middle of an argument between me and the VB so until he says otherwise I will abide with his wishes but I will certainly send you the links screenshots thru pm if you wish?


Nothing to do with me. That's Frankie's area.


However I'd agree with Frankie. Arguments between VB and SZ should be elsewhere.

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Guest Bobby Grove
exactly frankie and that is why I have offered to send the screenshots by pm to Bobby Grove


I've obtained a copy of the emails, and not once do you mention being threatened...why is that? Surely you should have mentioned this to the people you refer to.



Have to say that your comments on my antics is totally unfounded. I have not once gone on your website and caused hassle or posted childish comments etc on it, nor have I gone on there and promoted my website. And with the three articles related to the VBs have I ever once condemned them? Have I ever edited the statements that you sent to other Rangers forums or on your own website for my supposed hatred for Rangers? No I have not.


Whether you and your group or any other Rangers fan likesit or not I will post articles related to Rangers whether they are positive or negative ones and I will continue to ask Rangers fans to debate on the site and in my own forum without fear of censor, deletion or trying to intimidate them by spouting out stuff about me and the missus selling perfumes at some church in Linwood. Nice to see that you lot have an obsession with me so much so that you have a guy in linwood following my every move eh?? Has he already given you my home address also and my car reg?


Trust me if I had a vendetta against Rangers do you really think that I would be so lacklustre? especially certain threats I have received while doing this site? Of course not, while I cannot spout out article after article of Pro-Rangers propaganda - the same can be said about Celtic btw - I cannot write articles related to Rangers as a fan because I am not a Rangers fan. Likewise I cannot write articles related to Hearts from the viewpoint of a fan - that is why the site was created to get fans of these clubs involved and for the most part that is occuring, including several articles written by your fellow bears. Now if I had a vendetta or a sheer hatred for Rangers would I have done this in the first place or even advertised or welcomed certain critics of the site to write about the club since they feel that I do not write about their club according to their own views? Safe to say that none of these critics have taken up my offer - possibly for a number of reasons but down to my own opinion that anyone can spout out their opinion or criticise but when its time to stand up and give your views in a public piece they all run for the hills.


And while you may think that I have a vendetta against Rangers and an obsession with your group - what about the antics of the RST leadership and FF against your own group? Shouldn't you be concentrating on targetting Gers fans to back your campaigns, rather than get a wee guy wi a black book to follow me.


Always a thorn in your side it seems,

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