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Favourite Rangers Fanzine

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The only time I have visited his site, he couldn't handle the arguments that were put forward by bears (in a non-abusive manner) so he deleted the thread.


He claims it was due to the sectarian nature, but I didn't notice anything untoward.


He claims the site's run on a neutral basis but allows crap like that on it. Laughable.

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Guest scotzine

sorry bluedell the comments on the site are moderated and that specific one the comments section was closed due to certain comments that were being received. It had nothing to do with the non-abusive or valid points made by a whole host of Rangers fans, just the minority who did post certain comments not only what I would class as sectarian in nature but also vile and abusive.


However Comments on most articles are open all the time now and taken the measures of banning the persons IP address, email and username also in ab id to stop certain undesirables from posting. The majority of comments made by Rangers fans on my site are done so in a normal polite manner or if it is an argumentative statement it is still passed through moderation. However certain words and phrases are censored - from both sides of the divide that is - no favouritism in that way.

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Yep, most of these comments software allow individual comments to be moderated first before publishing.


Several excellent points were made in that article IIRC and the only reason it was pulled was because these points made it look daft.

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Guest scotzine

not at all frankie the article as well as the comments were removed due to comments made by a minority as well as a number ofcomplaints about the article in question. First of all it was not writtne by myself but a contributor that sent in a number of articles now and again back then - who no longer does so - and after looking at all the comments as well as looking over the article again I decided to pull it and the comments were deleted with it. But as you will see from further articles on the club the comments have not all been deleted just the abusive or vile or posts that break our rules on certain issues.

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Guest scotzine
I don't believe I ever said you didn't allow Rangers fans to comment on your site, although it's clear some of them are nothing of the sort. However, it's completely clear that you actively and routinely manipulate comment to establish an unambiguous anti-Rangers consensus. Your recent correspondence with admin on another Rangers site reveals your true colours and your feigned reasonableness and even-handed approach are as genuine as Paw broons teeth.


If your website is such a paragon of fair play, why not just dedicate all of your time to that and the Linwood jewellry stall, and stop straying on to every Rangers site you can find. I know exactly what you are mate and what your game is.


the same admin who posted my whereabouts in my hometown who also published all emails with me on his site and who threatened legal action against me if I did the same - the same admin who publicly in his forum asked all fans in his forum to pop round and rearrange 'Andy' again noting where I frequent in my hometown not to mention bringing my missus into it also - as well as asking members of his forum to 'bombard this cockroach' and many of whom that have came from that site were posting vile, sectarian and downright abusive comments - and all of these were deleted and those with threatening behaviour spouting I know where you live or I'm going to get yer missus and give her one and everything else - the details have been logged noted and if anything happens will be handed to the coppers. Oh and btw that forum your talking is Vanguard Bears why leave that out??


I have produced article showing Rangers in a good light or remembering certain talking points - UNICEF donation, AC Milan match, Murrays 20 years at the helm, posted rangers campaigns on my site without editing any of the text or leaving my comment on it, remembering the Ibrox Disaster, not to mention the match reports of Rangers games. True there are some articles that are critical of Rangers or certain elements of the fan base - but I have never and will never label Rangers fans as a whole in a bad light in fact I praised that majority of Gers fans in Manchester and everywhere else they have gone - but I have reported on the minority of have caused trouble and slammed their actions.


While I can say at times I am less than neutral I do try to be in the majority of my articles and have Rangers fans contributing to the site as authors of articles and not just comment posters. I have always asked for fans of any club to post articles on the site and have never rejected a fans contribution because of his or her's club allegiances. And never will do that.

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Guest scotzine

and tell me this - in here who has not been critical of Rangers whether it was after a match, trying to sell players etc etc - so its okay for you to do it and not for me - because I run a football site or because of my allegiances? what about the lieks of the Record, the Scotsman, the herald and the SUn who publish articles condemning Rangers fans as well as praising them - do you think of them all as anti-Rangers also? not that I am comparing my lil site with those big boys.

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Guest scotzine
All comments got deleted. There's a difference between that and moderating abusive comments.


the article was deleted after going over it again and with that the comments were automatically deleted as a whole.

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I think you'll find many Gersnet members are more than happy to accept criticism of the their club and the challenges we face. Indeed, we're often amongst the first to offer it.


However, the problem arises when this criticism is merely subjective, imbalanced and generally just daft.


That's how you unnecessarily polemic article of the other day could be described IMO so you shouldn't be surprised when many people take umbrage at it.

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