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Being interviewed and arrested on suspicion of rape.


Wheather it was or not, what makes these footballers think they can get away with this type of thing.


It's such an awful act and cos they are superstars they think they can get away with anything and everything.

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I know what your saying, but how do you know they were lying, unless I missed the definitive proof that it couldn't have happened?


By the same token how do you know the accusers are not lying ?


It is easy to believe both sides of these stories.

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I have my personal reasons for that Craig.


It could well be girls going for someone famous then crying rape, but, it could easily be the other way round. Someone high profile getting attention from all an sundry, I believe this was a teenager, who took things to far. Dunno how far I want to go into this cos my feelings really run deep on the matter.

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Gav is right, there is plenty of girls who see this as an attention seeker when it comes to players. Girls like this should be locked up for trying to make a quid at the expense of a mans life.


On the same token players cant use there superstar status to get themselves in situations. Girls can be insecure and can give out the wrong vibes to players with a drink in them. If players do carry out such thing then they should be hung like the rest of rapists.


Every situation has to be taken seperatly on this.

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It's a really difficult call,with out knowing the circumstances to even suggest which one of them is lying. And once the press have got hold of the story then theres no hope. I myself felt like a criminal when i was interviewed many years ago. And the examination made me physically sick. I actually don't think i would personally report if i was raped now because the accusation that i was lying would make it worse (of course i don't know for certain)

I think it's sad that its come to this, but these girl that make it up make it much more difficult for the proper victims (I'm not say the robhion girl is lying!!)

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And no offence, but as a policeman Gav, I was very suprised at your comment...


Why would you be surprised by Gav's comment ? At the end of the day the police are there to keep an open mind and work from FACTS. What Gav says is absolutely right. There is as much chance that these girls are lying as there is that they are telling the truth. And because of that the Police have to start by assuming nothing. So Gav's comment is just fine, at least in my eyes.


The whole point I was making is exactly what you said after that - which is that it could be EITHER way. Just because it is a sensitive subject doesn't mean that we shouldn't consider all the possibilities and just assume that as it is a "sick" crime that it must have been perpetrated.


I don't think it really should come down to how strongly you believe. At the end of the day you have folks who have been through it and have first hand experience. That doesn't mean that their "experience" can necessarily give a guide as to what happened here. None of us know so there is no way of knowing what actually did happen.


That was the point. Sick crime, yes. Did Robinho do it ? Who knows. Did the girl egg him on ? Who knows.

Edited by craig
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