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Have we had an offer for Bougherra?

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I'd have thought we'd want a bit more than �£3m. I just hope to hell we don't sign the "veteran defender" Hreidersson.


My thoughts exactly Hreidersson and Weir we would need to defend on the 6 yard box

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Yes but Sir Murray has arranged for us to play against David Beckham. Have you got your tickets yet?:mad:


You can always tell how badly wrong things are going when the North European league for second best also-rans is raised by the clowns in charge of our demise.


Don't see where you're coming from here. Wouldn't you rather see Rangers playing Ajax or Benfica regularly as opposed to St. Mirren and Hamilton? These European sides are hardly 'also rans'. Or are you one of those who don't care as long as we finish above 'them'?, who just to want to see us annhilate teams in Scotland? If you're thnking we should be in the English Prem, forget it - that's a dead duck. The status quo has to change, one way or another as it's not just us who are suffering from the disparity in income throughout Europe.

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Don't see where you're coming from here. Wouldn't you rather see Rangers playing Ajax or Benfica regularly as opposed to St. Mirren and Hamilton? These European sides are hardly 'also rans'. Or are you one of those who don't care as long as we finish above 'them'?, who just to want to see us annhilate teams in Scotland? If you're thnking we should be in the English Prem, forget it - that's a dead duck. The status quo has to change, one way or another as it's not just us who are suffering from the disparity in income throughout Europe.


You don't know where I'm coming from, so let me try to help you. I don't believe there ever was a snowball's chance in hell of Rangers joning the EPL. Neither do I think for a moment that there will ever be an Atlantic League, North European League, or any other name you want to use. The principal European clubs don't want it, UEFA doesn't want it and it's never going to happen.


Which is why I believe it is entirely disingenius for the Rangers hierarchy to roll this out like some invented carrot every time they are under pressure or about to reveal the latest bad news. If it's not this old chestnut, it will be stadium redevelopment or some other "big news", handed out like a cheap thrill to the mugs in the stands. Let me assure you that is the last you will hear of a North European League until the next time some fairytale is required to pretend that the Rangers management still retains some ambition for the club.


As for your question about who I would like to see Rangers playing, make no mistake it would be the top clubs in Europe. It might have escaped your attention but this is available to us right now via the Champions League - all we have to do is beat some clubs like St Mirren and Hamilton to secure that privilege. Unfortunately, as we have all seen, beating St Mirren seems beyond the current Rangers team, let alone annhilating them.


So instead of fabricating false good news, the Rangers manager might be better applying himself to putting a Rangers team on the field that can actually compete with the likes of St Mirren. When he has achieved that will be time enough for him to think about wider horizons. Clearly you still haven't grasped how far down the ladder we have slid.

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MF I take your main point - Rangers are certainly being disingenuous with their diversionary tactics, but I genuinely think the Atlantic League will have to come in some shape or form because the other big European clubs - Marseille, Porto, Benfica et al - are not going to stand idly by and see themselves excluded from the Champions League riches for much longer.


Sure we can qualify by winning the SPL but after this year we're likely to have to negotiate 2 difficult qualifying rounds. This year, had we beaten Kaunas, we would still have failed to get past Aalborg I'm sorry to say. Having managed to build up the co-efficient on our Eufa run, I'm ashamed of the way we helped to destroy it - and Walter with his mistimed transfer dealings is certainly to blame.

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MF I take your main point - Rangers are certainly being disingenuous with their diversionary tactics, but I genuinely think the Atlantic League will have to come in some shape or form because the other big European clubs - Marseille, Porto, Benfica et al - are not going to stand idly by and see themselves excluded from the Champions League riches for much longer.




I think it will happen aswell more so for Globalization more than footballing reasons, but agree the money will start to hit these teams aswell and they will look for an alternative.


The worry then is, if this is successful then you will have Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, R Madrid, Barca, Milan , Inter, Juve, Munich all wanting to do the same thing and it will turn onto a 2 tier thing with these teams being either in the top league or forming there own which lacks interest in the original league

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I think it will happen aswell more so for Globalization more than footballing reasons, but agree the money will start to hit these teams aswell and they will look for an alternative.


The worry then is, if this is successful then you will have Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, R Madrid, Barca, Milan , Inter, Juve, Munich all wanting to do the same thing and it will turn onto a 2 tier thing with these teams being either in the top league or forming there own which lacks interest in the original league


I would have no problem with us starting in a second division Euro league as long as there is promotion and demotion. It would be a great fight to the top league.

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I would have no problem with us starting in a second division Euro league as long as there is promotion and demotion. It would be a great fight to the top league.


Yes agreed, but then the big teams wont want a relegation battle for TV money etc. It would be more likely they would start there own league with independant body.

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Yes agreed, but then the big teams wont want a relegation battle for TV money etc. It would be more likely they would start there own league with independant body.


Well to be honest Rangers and Celtic have claimed the most TV money in the SPL for years so we can't fault them for wanting more money.

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