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Supporters' Representation - Your Opinions Analysed

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I'm not exactly sure as to what I could have done to improve the survey.


Sure, I could have stood outside Ibrox and asked as many people as I could (and asked a few more people to join me) but I wanted to explore the online feelings first. Now, I've done that I may consider taking the time and effort to expanding and improving the project.


I'm all for criticism and certainly don't expect fawning of any nature so feel free to offer a better way of going about it and I'll see what I can do. I don't pretend to be an expert in such matters and have always said the survey was empirical and the data simplistic also.


Nonetheless I maintain the results are interesting and show the trend of general unhappiness amongst people interested in representation. Did I need a survey to prove that; probably not but it's always handy to do a bit more than just say something without any evidence whatsoever.



OK, so I'm stirring it up a little but I hope you'll agree I never actually criticised the effort. I think it is an excellent idea to create the ammunition a survey like this can deliver - but not if it only allows you to fire blanks at the end of the day.


This would be made more meaningful by first doing whatever possible to broaden the sample. We are so desperately lacking any kind of unified membership base that the task is hugely difficult. The RST certainly doesn't have it and only the supporters clubs have the breadth of organisation to reach enough supporters to lend credence to the exercise.


However, it would also help if as many of the other websites as possible had been actively encouraged to participate from the outset. It only perpetuates our disunity if some are included while others are not. Someone needs to bridge these divides.


Anyway, if the objective is to draw conclusions and make certain points to the club or media or the wider fanbase then it might be that only an independent survey of matchday fans would produce results that they would accept/respect.

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Frankie, if you decide to do just that for a couple of hours before the OF game, but on the subject of racism & bias against the Gers, you can count me in... :thup:


I once upon a time stood outside my turnstile and handed out leaflets for the rst gersave in the byegone years.


I'll tell you what I have never heard such sh_te spouting from the lips of a Rangers supporter, if their wasn't a polis next to me I would have lamped a few of them or maybe a takedown and choke.


Anything against the Rangers and our Culture you can count on me, I'll be there.


If you need bodies for a few hours b4 the sellik game I'm in you can count on me.

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