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Supporters' Representation - Your Opinions Analysed

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Seems to me that a poll on fan representation will only appeal to those motivated and interested by the subject. Of those people you can bet that many of them will also be motivated and interested enough to join one of the organizations.


I'd guess most fans are too apathetic to really care about representation (especailly enough to join or to fill in a survey) and are happy just to moan at the players, managers or chairman for any disgruntlement to do with the club.


I also think that it is only a small subset who will make efforts to go online and find this site and most will have never heard of newsnow.


There is a particular breed of fan who wants to read all the news on the net about Rangers and express their views on a forum. Basically the type of fan who takes the survey ends up being somewhat self selecting.


I can take myself as one example: I regularly check out newsnow, I regularly post on a forum, I was a member of the RST but now lapsed due to its implosion and I took the survey. I would guess I'm probably a typical example of the type of person on the survey.

Edited by calscot
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I can take myself as one example: I regularly check out newsnow, I regularly post on a forum, I was a member of the RST but now lapsed due to its implosion and I took the survey. I would guess I'm probably a typical example of the type of person on the survey.


Apparently not so typical as you think. The typical respondent to this "survey" is apparently an active member of the RST. Which bollocks is one good reason for losing all record of this embarrassing nonsense.

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Nope, not all other sites were invited to run it. But they are more than welcome to take the questions and do so if they like. I'd have hoped most people would have seen the survey when it was released on NewsNow and taken part that way but appreciate that's definitely not an ideal solution to ensure maximum take-up.


I asked RM yesterday because I use that site on a daily basis. I don't really use any other site nowadays (although I still read Gersforums and FF occasionally) so didn't approach them for input. I'm doubt those two sites would have been interested anyway.


Like I say, other sites are more than welcome to ask the same/similar questions and submit their answers to me if they want them collated together with the Gersnet/RM results.


That just makes my point. It's not really a survey of any value at all, is it? First select the small section of the public whose views you want to investigate. Then sample a small part of that restricted population. Take the results and pretend they mean something. Worthless.


Pretty much exactly how the RST has been run these last few years. Couldn't give a shit and can't be bothered to do the work to get it right.

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That just makes my point. It's not really a survey of any value at all, is it? First select the small section of the public whose views you want to investigate. Then sample a small part of that restricted population. Take the results and pretend they mean something. Worthless.


Pretty much exactly how the RST has been run these last few years. Couldn't give a shit and can't be bothered to do the work to get it right.



Why dont you give it a shot then ? Or can you not be bothered either ?


Frankie did this with the best of intentions yet rather than giving him credit for actually attempting to get some feedback you would prefer to castigate it as being worthless.


In case you hadn't noticed, Frankie has responses from RM which he stated and those will be added to the responses from gersnet and there is no saying he wont roll it out to the other more popular sites to run with it too.


I think you are being very harsh on someone for trying to do something positive, regardless of the results.

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Why dont you give it a shot then ? Or can you not be bothered either ?


Frankie did this with the best of intentions yet rather than giving him credit for actually attempting to get some feedback you would prefer to castigate it as being worthless.


In case you hadn't noticed, Frankie has responses from RM which he stated and those will be added to the responses from gersnet and there is no saying he wont roll it out to the other more popular sites to run with it too.


I think you are being very harsh on someone for trying to do something positive, regardless of the results.


Aw come off it. You know I'm not going to fawn over this for the sake of it. I'm not particularly interested in who made what effort or how commendable the intention. The fact is that the results are meaningless and it's as important to point that out as it is to credit the attempt. Would saying "well done" to Frankie make the survey any more credible? The fact is that I've haven't criticised Frankie once or anyone else for the effort - only the method and outcome.


What I will say is that a survey of this kind could be hugely valuable in dealing with the club and our mainly self-appointed representatives. At least it would be if it was properly done and stood up to scrutiny.

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Aw come off it. You know I'm not going to fawn over this for the sake of it. I'm not particularly interested in who made what effort or how commendable the intention. The fact is that the results are meaningless and it's as important to point that out as it is to credit the attempt. Would saying "well done" to Frankie make the survey any more credible? The fact is that I've haven't criticised Frankie once or anyone else for the effort - only the method and outcome.


What I will say is that a survey of this kind could be hugely valuable in dealing with the club and our mainly self-appointed representatives. At least it would be if it was properly done and stood up to scrutiny.


No-one is asking you to fawn over it MF - but credit where credit is due. Have you always been perfect with everything you have done and got things right first time ?


The results are not meaningless at all - they just aren't as meaningful as they could be - but then that could be semantics on my part.


I agree that it is important to point out that the survey is not representative of the support as a whole - but in that case every single online survey regarding the club we could say the same as the majority of fans are not online fans, correct ?


I was probably a bit OTT in my response to you, apologies for that - you make valid points for sure - I just felt that you focussed on the negative aspect of the survey. I get the feeling that the results of the survey are not necessarily final (as can be seen from the fact there are another 50 responses through RM). The problem though is getting members of the more popular websites to also participate - and we know some individuals involved have an agenda which means they dont want these probing type surveys to be completed.

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I'm not exactly sure as to what I could have done to improve the survey.


Sure, I could have stood outside Ibrox and asked as many people as I could (and asked a few more people to join me) but I wanted to explore the online feelings first. Now, I've done that I may consider taking the time and effort to expanding and improving the project.


I'm all for criticism and certainly don't expect fawning of any nature so feel free to offer a better way of going about it and I'll see what I can do. I don't pretend to be an expert in such matters and have always said the survey was empirical and the data simplistic also.


Nonetheless I maintain the results are interesting and show the trend of general unhappiness amongst people interested in representation. Did I need a survey to prove that; probably not but it's always handy to do a bit more than just say something without any evidence whatsoever.

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Sure, I could have stood outside Ibrox and asked as many people as I could


Frankie, if you decide to do just that for a couple of hours before the OF game, but on the subject of racism & bias against the Gers, you can count me in... :thup:

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