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Gers Fan Banning Order-Famine Song

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Apart from the fact that this is so STUPID, I will be fucked if SDM or any other cunt will tell me not to sing this, it is a fucking farce full stop, and regardless of the result on Saturday, which we will win anyway,I will be singing it non stop

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They achieve what they set out to simply by implying or threatening prosecution. The law itself is almost never tested because, as we've seen elsewhere in this thread, very few people will put themselves in jeopardy when so few are willing to stand up and be counted. In effect, the law is irrelevant, the country is 'managed' (or is that farmed) on the basis of threat alone, with seldom any recourse to the law.


We live in a fearful and cowed society. Citizens have abdicated responsibility entirely to a political elite, one that exists and practises far beyond the walls of parliament or the courts. The cabal of motivated republican/socialist/catholics who ride roughshod over the majority in Scotland do so because they have been unchallenged for so long that they now believe they are untouchable. Sadly, with every new capitulation, that belief becomes ever more justified.


Every time someone declares we must fall in line because "them's the rules" when the rules are patently crass and contrived in the self-interest of a few, we slide another few inches down the slope to injustice.





Great post there. Couldnt agree more and have said such things for a while in the bluenose lounge about Politics. Its amazing that this type of society is being enforced in every way of life, but if it takes football to wake people up then thats a good thing.

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They achieve what they set out to simply by implying or threatening prosecution. The law itself is almost never tested because, as we've seen elsewhere in this thread, very few people will put themselves in jeopardy when so few are willing to stand up and be counted. In effect, the law is irrelevant, the country is 'managed' (or is that farmed) on the basis of threat alone, with seldom any recourse to the law.


We live in a fearful and cowed society. Citizens have abdicated responsibility entirely to a political elite, one that exists and practises far beyond the walls of parliament or the courts. The cabal of motivated republican/socialist/catholics who ride roughshod over the majority in Scotland do so because they have been unchallenged for so long that they now believe they are untouchable. Sadly, with every new capitulation, that belief becomes ever more justified.


Every time someone declares we must fall in line because "them's the rules" when the rules are patently crass and contrived in the self-interest of a few, we slide another few inches down the slope to injustice.


I hope Frankie is right and they have brought ridicule upon themselves with the hokey cokey nonsense. However, these are people who have shown no shame so far, only the mindless drive to assert their cult. Their arm has become long and a lot of things that have happened already have surprised me greatly - I wouldn't now be at all surprised to see Mr Murray eventually make another announcement that the hokey cokey is banned from Ibrox.


And that brings me to the one thing that does make my blood boil; the stupid treachery of people like David Murray. They don't actually understand enough to make informed decisions but they must defend their moral and social credentials at all costs and will issue any crazy edict to do so. These people are much worse than our enemies.


Excellent post mate, just hope you don't offend anyone on here.

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I say, don't sing the Hocky Cocky because it's a piss take. If you want to be herded into doing what others want you to do, then go ahead, but the whole hocky cocky fiasko is just that; nothing more than a farse designed to make a fool of Gers fans. If you sing it, you're playing right into their hands & these are not hands that will massage your back.... more like break it.

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Ever get the feeling you are being manipulated, the origins of the hokey cokey were "exposed" by an anglican cleric a few years back, is it coincidence that keith obrien decides to bring it up just before an OF match. Stay silent for 1 minute, 2 would be better, that would send a message.

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Ever get the feeling you are being manipulated, the origins of the hokey cokey were "exposed" by an anglican cleric a few years back, is it coincidence that keith obrien decides to bring it up just before an OF match. Stay silent for 1 minute, 2 would be better, that would send a message.


For once i'm going to join Gribz in the conspiracy theories (first and last time). But maybe they're getting exactly the response they want.


There was no one particularly interested in singing a childs song at the match until the papers broke this.


Ewan Cameron claimed on real radio some fans were planning to sing it to wind up Boruc for spilling the ball in the last OF. Possibly true.


The RC's and the media claim it is to be sung for sinister reasons. Whether or not it was actually intended to be sung at all. Now thousands who would have had no idea about this Boruc wind up (if it even existed) will be duped into joining in on the 27th so the RC's and papers can go "see we told you they were all big bad bigots, ban them, deduct points, fine them, give them all banning orders".


I wouldn't be suprised.


On another related note, also heard some of that idiot MSP on the radio. Apparently he his heavily involved with sporting matters in parliament, his own words. Well he's clearly not fit for his role and if he had any humility would step down now. THough he couldn'd dare risk someone who wasn't a bigot with RC leanings having his influential position.

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For once i'm going to join Gribz in the conspiracy theories (first and last time). But maybe they're getting exactly the response they want.


There was no one particularly interested in singing a childs song at the match until the papers broke this.


Ewan Cameron claimed on real radio some fans were planning to sing it to wind up Boruc for spilling the ball in the last OF. Possibly true.


The RC's and the media claim it is to be sung for sinister reasons. Whether or not it was actually intended to be sung at all. Now thousands who would have had no idea about this Boruc wind up (if it even existed) will be duped into joining in on the 27th so the RC's and papers can go "see we told you they were all big bad bigots, ban them, deduct points, fine them, give them all banning orders".


I wouldn't be suprised.


On another related note, also heard some of that idiot MSP on the radio. Apparently he his heavily involved with sporting matters in parliament, his own words. Well he's clearly not fit for his role and if he had any humility would step down now. THough he couldn'd dare risk someone who wasn't a bigot with RC leanings having his influential position.



Exactly. Complete manipulation and we all know it's going to be belted out by thousands on Saturday. Surely there must be a remaining gers supporting paper editor out there who can highlight some of the filth they sing. Or might sing if it were suggested FFS!

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Exactly. Complete manipulation and we all know it's going to be belted out by thousands on Saturday. Surely there must be a remaining gers supporting paper editor out there who can highlight some of the filth they sing. Or might sing if it were suggested FFS!


It appears not. Anti-Celtic stories (even true ones) rarely appear in our media.

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If we sing it: They say "look, all the gers fans sang it because they are all sectarian, we told you so! The fans should be locked up and the clubs docked points"


If we dont sing it: They say "By highlighting this proposed sectarian bile from gers fans, we adverted the persecution and mockery of RC, mission accomplished!"


Damned if we do, damned if we dont.


Damn! this is silly!

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Anyone see Rab C. Nesbitt last night? (which was hilarious by the way) - there was a comment about Gordon Ramsay being a 'Hun'. Should we be offended by the term? Or should we not lower ourselves to their level and just demonstrate our ability to laugh along with others? Just think it's interesting to say the least that if a gers-supporting character on a comedy show were to use the term '******' we'd be hauled over the P.C. coals so to speak.

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