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Gers Fan Banning Order-Famine Song

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Where did I mention anything like that? :confused:


Rangers fans were asked not to sing the song yet a minority still do/did even with the threat of a fine/docked points hanging over us.


There's nothing strange about that. Let's say Celtic did dictate what songs we could/couldn't sing. If we're told not to sing them yet we continually do then we're staring danger straight in the face.


Seems like a normal attitude to me.



Away n bile yer heid Gav! This is obviously a work related effort of an answer!

We are the Majority and yet are being persecuted here!!!


Must be the future Mrs Monkey that is filling yer heid wi rubbish!

Edited by Yieldshields loyal
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You could probably dispute this in a court of Law, as to my knowing there are no hard and fast laws on what description a "race" is.


The most common idea on "Race" however would be that originated by Blumenbach:




I would probably have been more correct to say that nationaity is covered by the Race Relations Act, and therefore I doubt it could be challenged in a court.

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I also run about outside with my cock out too. :fish:


In all seriousness though mate, why would I want to attention seek on an internet forum? :confused:


I've not said I disagree with the authorities banning the song but at the end of the day it's been banned so we need to stop singing it. The boy who got punished continued singing it so the relevant authorities dealt with him, severley.


Conforming little Mr Practicality eh? What do you do when the authorities are wrong? Burn Jews in gas ovens? That would get you some attention without waving your dick around.

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I would probably have been more correct to say that nationaity is covered by the Race Relations Act, and therefore I doubt it could be challenged in a court.



So there is the law and then their is fact, [while I do know and have been fucked by it], it is not right and could be challenged, it is a contrived law invoked by liberals and people who want to be offended.


I would not want to be flippant about racial tension etc, but it is and always will be in my eyes sect based.


I would qualify that by the amount of people affected overall.


We are all, does not matter what religion, creed, nationality or sect; biased, and if you favour one over the other you are biased.


The Irish at the time of the famine were the same sect as us, White Europeans so what makes them different now, the law?


The law is there to be challenged.

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I tell you, next up we'll get done for calling Boruc a homo!! - Even though its stating a fact!!


He'll make a complaint and we'll get 'asked' not to chant at him! - this wouldnt surprise me at all by the 2nd OF game at Ibrox this season


Polish Poof :flash:

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And that ladies and gentlemen...is why Pete doenst post 'Taxi' anymore!!


I would love to do another Taxi but football has been so boring this year. Only in the last few weeks are things starting to happen, so there is still hope.:)

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