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Agreed, but Murray and Souness' freindship MAY be enough to rekindle SDm's passion for making Rangers a success again - all hypithetical at the moment tho and can't see SDM replacing Smith with anyone except Ally McCoist at the moment.


Cammy F


Agreed. Souness was twenty-odd years ago. The current situation is a million miles from when Souness bent McCluskey's leg on his debut at Ibrox.


We'll get McCoist and it will break me heart to see this Rangers legend despised for his inevitable failure in the managers job. If Murray is choosing McCoist for genuine footballing reasons then he is incompetent. If he is choosing McCoist just because he believes it will placate the fans then he is a self-serving and devious bastard.


I don't believe Murray ever had a passion for Rangers. I believe he had a passion for the reflected glory his initial period in charge brought him (back to previous statement about inheriting the benefits of work already done by Holmes and Souness). Murray has never been a Rangers man, he no longer hides the fact he despises Rangers men. He thinks he will throw us McCoist and we'll all be happy-clappy customers again.

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Agreed. Souness was twenty-odd years ago. The current situation is a million miles from when Souness bent McCluskey's leg on his debut at Ibrox.


We'll get McCoist and it will break me heart to see this Rangers legend despised for his inevitable failure in the managers job. If Murray is choosing McCoist for genuine footballing reasons then he is incompetent. If he is choosing McCoist just because he believes it will placate the fans then he is a self-serving and devious bastard.


I don't believe Murray ever had a passion for Rangers. I believe he had a passion for the reflected glory his initial period in charge brought him (back to previous statement about inheriting the benefits of work already done by Holmes and Souness). Murray has never been a Rangers man, he no longer hides the fact he despises Rangers men. He thinks he will throw us McCoist and we'll all be happy-clappy customers again.



But the sad fact is, the vast majority of the Rangers support are 'happy-clappy customers'. This may be a controversial statement, but I believe its due to the fact that the vast majority of Rangers fans at this time, can't or chose not to, remember the days pre-souness / holmes.


Those who do remember, and who still support the current regime, probably didn't attend matches at Ibrox at the time and therefore view that period through 'David Murray' tinted spectacles - believing the much aired myth that SDM was Rangers' saviour.


I honestly believe (and I could be wrong) that SDM did have a passion for Rangers in his initial years at Rangers. This was possibly driven by his self-ego, but that can be said for most 'successful' people.


Cammy F

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The support may be "happy clappy" but I find it difficult to believe that there would be any more than a very small minority would be happy with McCoist as the manager.


They might not be happy, but they would accept McCoist as he is a legend - a typical SDM tactic, bring in a man who the fans will 'tolerate' then ruin his reputation whislt SDM sits in his ivory tower as untouchable as ever.


I wouldn't be happy with AMcCoist as manager, but I would support him like I've supported all our managers, maybe a bit more just because he's who he is. However, I've I'm honest, I hope for all our sakes, including Ally, that he gets nowhere near the managerial seat (until he has served his time and proven himself as a manager).


Cammy F

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They might not be happy, but they would accept McCoist as he is a legend - a typical SDM tactic, bring in a man who the fans will 'tolerate' then ruin his reputation whislt SDM sits in his ivory tower as untouchable as ever.


I don't quite get this point of view. It suggests SDM is deliberately ruining the club and all its employees to satisfy some sadistic pleasure in teasing the fans.


I really find it impossible to believe that the chairman does not want Rangers to be successful. His ego is well documented and there's no way failure in anything sits comfortably with him.


I've no doubt that his desire for success is purely from self interest but I believe it is there nonetheless.


I also don't think he has once palmed a manager off on us. While we may not have agreed with his choices, they have all been very plausible. Walter first time round was unproven but had a great pedigree as assistant to Jim McLean and Souness and went on to deliver us 9 in a row as well as our greatest ever run in Europe's top competition. Dick Advocaat could have got a job anywhere and provided us with instant success and I think he's proven since he's a good manager - but with a short shelf life at the one club. His magic seems to wane after a couple of years. McLeish may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but he was the best young Scottish manager around and formerly one of our most successful players. Le Guen was considered the best young manager in Europe, so you can't complain there, you can't blame anyone for choosing him even though he turned out so badly. And can you blame him for choosing Walter for a second time? And to be honest, Walter's first year and a half were pretty good and we'd probably be praising him to the skies at the end of last season if events hadn't contrived against him.


No, the problem has not been palming us off with popular puppet managers while he works at ruining the club behind the manager's back while letting the manager take the flack.


I agree the problem ultimately lies at SDM's feet, but it's source is elsewhere.


It's hard to pin it down, but it seems like SDM has completely lost the ability to be a successful chairman of a football club. I think due to his ego, he became so cocky during his first 10 years that he thought he could do no wrong and now is a bit lost.


He got so used to having no real opposition that he doesn't know how to deal with them. And let's face it, overall our performances against our financial equals has been poor in most of his 20 year tenure, be it a revived Celtic or our European counterparts.


He's been too busy massaging his ego with wins over totally inferior opposition to learn the lessons of winning an even fight.


I think now that he's struggling for so long after believing he was on top for so long means that he's lost any motivation for resourcefulness and instead has retreated into a defensive shell, where everyone is attacking him unjustly. He is too defensive to admit he's wrong and create new ways of forging ahead and instead only fights when he is personally cornered.


That's not the MO of a winner. Winners need to bounce back and reinvent themselves and Murray has failed to do so. His lack of pro-action has stagnated the club from top to bottom and resulted in the current dysfunctional state.

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