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He's unproven as a manager and nothing as yet has convinced me he is the right man to take us over and take us forward, especially if he continues along the same road as WS is taking. I like Ally and he's great for confindence and gets on with everyone but that doesn't make a good mananger does it?




Walter Smith is the last person I'd want an up and coming manager to learn from. He breeds negativity and his style of football, well, the least said about that the better.


McCoist is in a tough situation. He's at the club he loves as assistant manager but he really needs to manage a smaller club, gain some experience and if he does well then think about managing a bigger club ie Rangers. He's far to inexperienced to even think about taking over the job and everything that he has learnt at Rangers is from a tactically naive manager. He should spread his wings and learn how the game should be played.

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Souness is a sack of a manager. He might have done ok for us & had his moments throughtout his career, but he's still a shite a manager. What has he done? Please list his noticeable achievements after leaving Rangers.


What have his achievements after leaving Rangers got to do with anything?


If you cannot appreciate what he did for this club then you simply haven't a clue. Walter Smith fed on what Souness built for years after he took over. Surely you don't actually believe that our current manager would have achieved what he did if Souness hadn't already made it possible for him?


Whatever I might think about his decision to go to Liverpool, Souness joins Wallace as the only decent managers we've had since the club lost it's sense of direction when the sacked Scot Symon. And that was 41 years ago - you'd think we could do better than that.

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Souness also had the 'bottle' to take on the authorities, he backed his players publically, sorted out any dressing room unrest (ask Butcher and Roberts about this) and also had the man-management skills to get the best for players with limited ablility (and usually sold them on at a profit).


His drawing power was awesome - look at the players he attracted - Terry Butcher (who had just captained England at the World Cup and was reported to be linkewd with the likes of Man U, Liverpool, Everton et al). Chris Woods, the promising England international keeper. Ray Wilkens, one of the best midfield players of his generation. Mark Hateley, a player who had played and scored at the top level in England, Italy and France (but was booed for his first 6 months in a Rangers jesrsey). And I haven't even mentioned players like Walters, Ferguson, Gough, Spackman and his couq de gras (sp), Mo Johnston!


Wish we currently had a manager with the drawing power, man-management and bottle that Souness pocessed.


As an aside, I still love listening to Souness and his signings (Butcher apart, turn coat barstward) on SKY TV as you can still tell that they love Rangers and enjoyed every minute that they played for The Rangers - something that Souness installed in them.


A Rangers management team of Souness and Ray Wilkens is just a dream, but a dream that I still hope to come true at some point.


Cammy F

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Cammy, the things is though that whilst Souness undoubtedly had drawing power another drawing power for the players you mentioned was MONEY. We were competing comfortably with the top English teams in that regard, something we no longer can do. So would he have the same drawing power ? Not in my opinion. Would it be better than the drawing power of WS ? Debatable because Souness is currently out of the game while WS isnt. Could he be better at convincing someone Rangers is the place to be ? Who knows but I think he could be very very persuasive.


Would Souness be good for us again ? None of us know - regardless of his past successes with us. Since he left us he has looked worse and worse - but that could also be simply because he never felt it the way he did at Rangers.


Where I think that you hit the nail on the head though is that, Butcher apart, every single player that played under Souness and who was signed by Souness truly LOVED their time at Rangers and it seems for those players "once a Ranger, always a Ranger". And I think that the passion for our club is one of the things that we are sadly lacking.


I hate comparing us with them - but if you look at the last decade I would contend that for the majority of that time we have actually had a better team - but the passion shows by their players and ours is incomparable - they beat us hands down. If they are losing you could see that they CARED about it. Our players just seem to go through the motions and not care. Would Souness allow that ? NEVER. For Souness second is never good enough. And I think that this problem is one of the roots of our problems. Could Souness overcome that ? Yes. Could it turn the tide ? Yes.


The one thing for sure is that if Souness were to return things could NOT be any worse than they are now. And it would immediately excite the fans.

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Yes, along with Trevor Stephens (twice I think!)


Cammy F


I think that Trevor Steven was signed by Souness but 2nd time round signed by WS - no ?


Gary Stevens was a tremendous RB. Hutton came closest to him but not many did.

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Can't agree regarding the money Craig - �£1M for Butcher wasn't an inflated price in those days - Ian Ferguson cost us �£900,000. Richard Gough was bought for just over �£2M. Hateley cost just over a million and RW was picked up for �£250,000 IIRC.


Woods, Drinkell, Stevens all came with reasonable price tags as well. Their wages would have been higher than we were used to, but their original asking prices weren't over-inflated.


Agree with what you say regarding players loving their time at Rangers. IMO Dick Advocaat had this as well, Gio, Numan, Mols etc all loved their time at Rangers and still love the club - this has been diluted since then and is something that we need to rediscover soon.


Cammy F

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No, Souness signed Trevor Steven twice making a tidy profit from Marseille.


Agree Gav, Gary Stevens was excellent. Mnay people forget about Roberts though because of all the other signings. Not sure who got Fleck but I though he was outsanding for us.

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