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20 Years of Sir David Murray - Dominance or Failure

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Fantastic article Frankie :


Over the course of his tenureship, David Murray (and therefore, Rangers Football Club) have gone from successful visionaries to unsuccessful reactionaries. In my opinion, this is a direct result of the people that SDM has surrounded himself with. When SDM took over from David Holmes, Rangers were already going in the right direction. The fans were flooding back, there was a successful team on the pitch with a successful and outspoken manager at the helm.


SDMââ?¬â?¢s biggest mistake was to surround himself with ââ?¬Ë?yes menââ?¬â?¢ and ââ?¬Ë?lap dogsââ?¬â?¢. In replacing men like Campbell Oglivie (helped create the Champions League remember) with ââ?¬Ë?cretinsââ?¬â?¢ like Martin Bain, SDM has shown that Rangers Football Club are no longer a club with vision, goals and ambition. We are now a selling club with a huge debt to service.


The man to blame for this debt? SDM. The man to blame for us being second best in Scotland both on and off the pitch? SDM. The man to blame for allowing a club that was 30 seconds from extinction to now be better financed, better placed on and off the field and in danger of leaving us behind? SDM.


Now SDM will use his usual spin to deflect all of the above, but we are seriously lacking both on and off the field. Celtc are on course for their 4th consecutive title and we have a long hard battle ahead to remain on their tales, never mind overtaking them.


David Murray has been good for Rangers, but that stopped over a decade ago ââ?¬â?? he is now killing the club and appears to be happy with 2nd best in a two horse race. Until he sells, or rediscovers his passion for Rangers and for Rangers to be ââ?¬Ë?simply the bestââ?¬â?¢, we are going to vegetate at best, or at worst, rot awayââ?¬Â¦..


Cammy F

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Too true Cammy...


It's difficult to absorb negativity sometimes but while we seeing the bad side of things, we have to be realistic as well.


The facts are Rangers FC are now second best in Scotland.


That is unacceptable.

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That's about as pathetic a post as I've read on this forum. I said nothing of the kind and if you're simply lurking in the hope of feeding your personal irritation and venting your own particular bile then you need to get out more. I simply voiced an opinion on the subject. You really should be able to allow other members to do so without the need for personal attacks. Still, if it keeps you off the streets..........


What an cowardly and hypocritical reply. I did not personally attack you, I merely paraphrased what you said and drew a pretty fitting conclusion.


Where-as your post is NOTHING but a personal attack on someone who does not pander to your strange brand of reveling in negativity and doom.


If I'm wrong, then why don't you explain why, as the correlation of my summation and your post seems pretty high to me? You also seem to think you are allowed to throw your opinion around while asserting no-one is allowed to have an opinion on your opinion.


I have said absolutely nothing that doesn't pour out of your posts.

Edited by calscot
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i think the fact that murray doesn't see anything in rangers or our fans to be proud about says it all. he didn't even seem exciting that 200k people would follow his club to european final. he's not interested, and he clearly sees little to be positive about. it would be best for him to go, but he cant, because for everyone's posturing - anyone remember reclaim rangers? - and negativity there's not one person who is willing to buy the club. so we're screwed.

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However, I've since come to the conclusion that it is ultimately pointless.


The decline will just go on until this house of cards collapses in ruin. I see real tragedy ahead for this club. I see nothing happening that gives any cause for hope whatsoever.


I just feel I've passed the point where I can see any profit in protest and am becoming strangely fascinated with the impending crash.


I'm sorry if I somehow interpreted this as from a prophet of doom and some-one who no longer cares or has an interest in constructive action.

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Do you have any other suggestions ? Not being adversarial, just curious as to whether or not we have any other way of making SDM fight our corner or show some sign of leadership.


From your above post it would appear that even Frankie's written efforts are futile. And if that is the case then is it merely that we wait until either a) SDM sells or b) the club dies, whichever comes first obviously.


I hope for ALL our sakes that it is not b.


I wish I did Craig but I've certainly got no special insight or solution. I've railed against Murray for years in an attempt to mobilise like-minded fans. Only a mass expression of dissatisfaction will ever have any real effect and I no longer believe that is going to happen in the forseeable future.


After 20 years I have to believe that Murray has shown all the colours he has to show. I see no reason to believe that he will re-invent himself now. If that's the case then I expect the decline to continue - I certainly don't want that to happen but without any credible basis for believing otherwise I think the future is looking increasingly bleak. The frustration is almost overhwelming.


I don't think Frankie's efforts are futile. We all have to do what we can and Frankie is more able than most. I've lost count of the letters and emails I've written to and on behalf of this club over the years and I wish I could believe that even one of them had made any difference, certainly nothing that I'm aware of. The black cloud I describe is mine alone and how I genuinely see the future. I hope like hell I'm wrong but I see no point telling it otherwise. Good luck to Frankie and all those who continue to wrestle with this chairman. I'll no doubt keep trying myself and if Frankie or anyone else asks for my help it will be willingly given.

Edited by maineflyer
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