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20 Years of Sir David Murray - Dominance or Failure

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One may have expected a Gersnet article before now on Sir David Murray�s 20th anniversary of owning Rangers. However, this event was always going to be given huge coverage so I felt I�d wait and let the usual media spin lose its effect before making my own contribution. After all, people like Young, Traynor and even Spiers were never going to be the most objective of commentators, so criticism would always be minimal to ensure the next interview or exclusive would be retained. Thus, I�ll try and retain objectivity while being able to make conclusions without worries about losing journalistic perks.



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excellent article frankie. i think that the main problem is that in every statement murray makes he doesnt really seem to like rangers or rangers fans that much. even in terms of creating a better image to sell he still isnt motivated to it.


oh, the link at the bottom doesn't go to the survey.

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Great piece, Frankie.


I think you hit the nail on the head about the uneasy relationship Murray has with gers fans. Barry is right, he doesn't seem to like us.


It's also a very crucial point that he does not seem to have the attributes to lead Rangers to success at the moment. I think that is damning on him as someone who sees himself as a success. When you look at his record in the cold light of day you see that he took an already re-invigorated club and continued their success in a climate of catastrophic decline by all our domestic rivals.


Celtic were in melt-down, Aberdeen were on the slippery slope of a post Ferguson hangover and Dundee Utd post McLean were fading into obscurity and relegation to the first division.


The stick to beat him with is that, since Celtic pulled themselves back from the brink at a time when we were a financial and footballing force, they have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and rapidly overtaken us as the most successful club for the last decade.


Murray has shown he can make a good fist of it against pitiful opposition, but has shown no pedigree whatsoever for a fair fight against opposition in the same weight category.


All he can do now is boast about past success while coming out with so much bluster that on close inspection, has very little credibility, it's no coincidence that the phrase, "smoke and mirrors" is never far away from people's lips after a Murray monologue to the press.


If Sir David can take the plaudits for our success he must also take responsibility for our current predicament. How a man of his reputed caliber cannot take on that dodgy lot in the east end on a level playing field, defies belief.

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Both actually. Ten years of dominance followed by ten years of utter failure. Go now Murray. Please, sell and go now.


In actual fact the title is in relation to the final sentence...


Of course his era has been dominance then failure. Unfortunately, as we both know, he's going nowhere so I'm trying to appeal to the one thing that may just have a spark left to affect change. His ego.

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In actual fact the title is in relation to the final sentence...


Of course his era has been dominance then failure. Unfortunately, as we both know, he's going nowhere so I'm trying to appeal to the one thing that may just have a spark left to affect change. His ego.


Surely his ego is the problem here. If it wasn't for his bloody ego he would have gone long ago.


If you really think there is any appealing to someone as self-obsessed as Murray then you just ain't been paying attention. He'll take us to the very edge, kick us over and then leave.

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Of course his ego is problematic but it's also the one aspect of his personality that results in action.


I'm also more than aware of his faults - hence the article - but we have to maintain our realism. He's tried to sell the club. No-one is interested. As such, he's going nowhere for I'd say another 2 years at least.


Thus, we can sit back and moan. Or we can continue to apply whatever pressure we can to improve the status quo.

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The best course of action is obviously to be firmly & squarely negative about SDM, since that will undoubtedly help everyone at RFC.


To be fair, sometimes direct attention placed on Murray is the only thing that catalyses action from him.


We all want to be positive about the team and the club but it's proving difficult when we're unsuccessful and our chairman prefers to insult his own supporters instead of concentrating on the vast majority who follow loyally.

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To be fair, sometimes direct attention placed on Murray is the only thing that catalyses action from him.


We all want to be positive about the team and the club but it's proving difficult when we're unsuccessful and our chairman prefers to insult his own supporters instead of concentrating on the vast majority who follow loyally.


Put yourself in his shoes though Frankie... Seriously now! If most of the comments & articles he reads about himself from RFC fans/support is negative & even commonly telling him to step down, GTF, crawl back down the hole from whence he came.... It must not only be maddening, but a real downer considering the time & money he's put into the club.

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