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Junior football recollections

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Instead of hijacking Cammy's thread on "forgotten songs" (http://www.gersnetonline.net/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=124013) I thought I would start a new thread for some of our junior football recollections



I've heard that boxing gloves will be supplied at all turnstyles :box::)


A reall old 'blood and snotters' junior cup tie this one !!


Cammy F


I agree Cammy, two of Junior football's finest going head-to-head. Was it not just a couple of seasons ago they were due to meet (and expected to be a very close encounter) when Boness got thrown out for fielding an ineligible player and Talbot went on to win the Cup (I might add....... to INCREASE their RECORD number of SCOTTISH CUP WINS



I remember going to a Pollok Bo'ness semi (in Brockville?) and Pollok took 50 buses to it. Bigger crowd there than one of the English premiership (or 1st division back then).


I also remember going to a Pollok Auchenleck game which Pollok won (I was probably around 15). After the game I got a run up the road and went into a chippy. An Auchenleck supporters bus drew up at the traffic lights outside. I waved my Pollok scarf to them and about 15 big farmers started running down the bus. I almost sh*t myself. :D Thankfully the lights changed colour and the bus went away.


You are stereotyping us all as farmers BD ?!?! Shocking.... to be fair there are a lot of farmers in the area. How long ago was that game (giving your age away....) ?


My first recollection of a Talbot vs Pollok game was in 1986 (I was 13) and it was the last Junior final to be held at Hampden IIRC. Pollok were HUGE favourites (I think Talbot were something like 8/1 to win the final), Talbot turned up with an enormous amount of fans for a Junior team and the wheels fell of rather suddenly...... Pollok up 1-0 inside two minutes, up 2-0 inside 15 minutes..... but then the mechanic appeared and Talbot were up 3-2 after about 35 minutes. That was the end of the scoring. What an amazing final it was (am sure I have it on VHS somewhere too). The scenes were incredible on the way back to Ayrshire.


Was also the start of what is probably the biggest domination of the Scottish Junior game we have seen as Talbot went on to win 5 out of 7 of Scottish Cups (the only other to rival it is Cambuslang who won 4 out of 6 SC's in the 60's).


Ahhhh the days......

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I agree Cammy, two of Junior football's finest going head-to-head. Was it not just a couple of seasons ago they were due to meet (and expected to be a very close encounter) when Boness got thrown out for fielding an ineligible player and Talbot went on to win the Cup (I might add....... to INCREASE their RECORD number of SCOTTISH CUP WINS


Yeah, Bo'ness were thrown out as the committee had failed to register some / most of there players. Bo'ness had destroyted Petershill (IIRC) at Newtown Park 4-0 with George O'Boyle and Kevin Thomas running riot! and were tipped to go all the way that year.


I remember going to a Pollok Bo'ness semi (in Brockville?) and Pollok took 50 buses to it. Bigger crowd there than one of the English premiership (or 1st division back then).


Yip, was that a Friday night game? Bo'ness tended to play most of their semi-finals at Brockville and always took (like most junior teams of the time) a huge support.



Well worth a read for those interested in Junior Football :







Cammy F

Edited by CammyF
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Funny.... 3 of us contributing to this thread supporting Boness, Pollok and Talbot - in 1984 Boness won the Junior Cup, 1985 Pollok did and 1986-88 Talbot did.


You are right Cammy, in the 80's and early 90's Junior clubs had a HUGE following.


BD, was always impressed with Newlandsfield and also with the way Pollok ran their club. I actually think that Talbot could have broken into the ranks of the seniors (or at the least dominated the junior scene for a very long time) but for the thieving, corrupt nature of the committee !

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Ive always liked Pollok even though im from Ayrshire. My uncle is on the board for Pollok and i always ask him about if they could get into the football league. He tells me they have the support, as do many of the Junior teams but they dont have the facilities for the football league.


Such a shame really, when teams like Gretna can get to the SPL with no support. Im sure some Junior temas support would exceed that of SPL games.

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Ive always liked Pollok even though im from Ayrshire. My uncle is on the board for Pollok and i always ask him about if they could get into the football league. He tells me they have the support, as do many of the Junior teams but they dont have the facilities for the football league.


Such a shame really, when teams like Gretna can get to the SPL with no support. Im sure some Junior temas support would exceed that of SPL games.


From the Junior ranks... if Pollok don't have the facilities then very few of the rest would !


One team that should be capable of getting into the seniors is Glenafton - the only reason I say this is that Sir Tom Hunter is a Glens fan as far as I am aware and is from New Cumnock - so if he felt like a wee pet project...... although I would HATE to see them make it - I despise the Glens almost as much as Cumnock.


I agree tbh - there are a number of Junior teams who would represent fairly well in the senior ranks - actually, when Talbot were winning all their SC's in the late 80's they had a few players who were either former seniors or who went on to play at the senior level (3 I remember with differing success were Alan Pirie and Hugh Lyden (both went to Partick, Pirie more of a success) and Geordie Gemmell who went to St Mirren, cracking full-back !)

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Craig, good idea in creating a separate thread.


I'm guessing that the Auchinleck game was very early 80s.


Cammy, no the Bo'ness-Pollok game was a Saturday afternoon, probably in 1979.


TBH, yeah Prytz played for Pollok.


I went to watch Pollok a lot when I was at school when i wasn't playing for the BB. When the whole Souness revolution kicked off it was funny to see a whole load of people at Ibrox who had previously been at Newlandsfield in previous seasons.


One other recollection was going to a game against some Ayrshre team (could have been Beith, not sure, just remember it was full of pubs but that could be anywhere in Ayrshire). Got a lift there from my dad and told him I would get a lift back on the supporters bus, but it was full. I ended up managing to get a lift on the team bus or I would have been stranded, back in the days when there was no mobile phones.

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