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Alex fucked up leaving out Rooney and Berbatov. He should've known that anything less than a full strength team against Celtic at Porkheed in the CL is asking for trouble ie 2 years ago.


Man Ure had all the possession but hardly made Boruc make a save.


I am not sure he did make a mistake. IMO he was resting them for the game at the Emirates on Saturday.


You are right that they had all the possession and didn't force Boruc into any saves, but the same could be said of Ben Foster.


Man U had all the play and possession but wanted one touch too many at times. Man U deserved AT LEAST a draw.

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Craig, possession counts for eff all in football.


Celtic weren't even meant to have a chance last night, so many people wrote them off so they lost nothing by not making Foster make a couple of saves.

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Craig, possession counts for eff all in football.


Celtic weren't even meant to have a chance last night, so many people wrote them off so they lost nothing by not making Foster make a couple of saves.


Man U deserved at least a draw. Which part of that do you contend ?

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Man U deserved at least a draw. Which part of that do you contend ?


They should've taken about 4 off that lot last night but for all their dominance they only started testing Boruc late in the game.


Man Ure were well below par. I also think just because you have about 65% possession it doesn't automatically mean you deserved to win.

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They should've taken about 4 off that lot last night but for all their dominance they only started testing Boruc late in the game.


Man Ure were well below par. I also think just because you have about 65% possession it doesn't automatically mean you deserved to win.


I agree but I made a couple of points. One being Man U deserved at least a draw and the 2nd being that they played Celtic off the park. Possession counts in #2 and they did have more opportunities than Celtic so I think that would prove #1.

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Celtic playing "anti-football"? Surely not?


They get beat 4-1 on aggregate with desperate defending compared to our 2-0 with a dodgy goal against Barcelona, yet we get slated and what do they get?


To be fair you should also mention their 4-1 was with two dodgy goals against them.


That said, I thought their brand of football was certainly no better than we were pilloried for last year.


What is the reaction back home?

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