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Brooks Mileson Dies

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Looks like he knew he was going to die & didn't want to leave his family with any football related financial burdens. It was his personal passion after all, not his whole families'. Having said that, it did seem as if he stiffed Gretna & all the clubs' support in the end. Damn shame for all the fans that traveled and invested their own time and hard earned cash into it.


RIP to him anyway & all the best to his family.

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It might be his personal decision but then he shouldn't have invested the money in the first place if he was going to cut them off and let them die due to his investment.


It's akin offering someone a lift in a luxury car and then dumping them at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and leaving them to die. Once you off the lift you at least have to leave your passenger safe.


Same with the club. He shouldn't have invested and then left them in trouble. They would have been far better off without him ever coming to them at all. IE alive and well - bar a few good memories.


Imagine SDM had invested far more in Advocaat and got us to the CL final (and losing on penalties) with much bigger debts, before becoming ill, stopping the cashflow and allowing Rangers to be liquidated...


I don't think many would fondly remember him. As it is he pumped 50M of his own money in to stabilize the club and is still a virtual pariah...


The way I see it, if it was me, I'd make sure they survived and not be remembered as the person who put them to the wall. If my family didn't like it then tough, they can go and make their own fortune. I'm not really sure about the morality of very large inheritances anyway.


All he needed to do was allow them to see out the season and negotiate relegation to div 3 before downsizing them to start afresh on an even keel. Wouldn't have cost that much and would be less than if he hadn't become ill. He committed himself and so to me should have honoured those commitments.


In hindsight, it's obvious they should never have been allowed in the SPL and Mileson should have turned down promotion in any case as it was too much of a financial burden, for him and the club.

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In hindsight, it's obvious they should never have been allowed in the SPL and Mileson should have turned down promotion in any case as it was too much of a financial burden, for him and the club.


Agreed 100%. In fact, they shouldn't even have been allowed in the SPL, never mind being given the chance to decide on the matter themselves. No adequate ground & facilities should immediately equal no place in the SPL.

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