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Protest against BBC 1pm this Sunday

Guest damien

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i couldnt be arsed protesting to sing a song i'm ambivalent about. im also not that fussed who the bbc stands up for as i dont have a tv.


good on you though. i like it when people are bold enough to say this rather than that. let us know how it goes.

The protest isn't for the right to sing a song, it's for parity when reporting incidents that involve ALL clubs in Scotland.


BBC Scotland have played a large part in tarring 'your' club with the sectarian brush without the desire and will to address other teams problems too.


I don't understand why you aren't concerned because you don't have a TV. Regardless of whether you have a TV or not this company is hellbent on blackening the name of Rangers.


Are you telling us you don't care?

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The protest isn't for the right to sing a song, it's for parity when reporting incidents that involve ALL clubs in Scotland.


i dont give a flying f**k what the bbc say. i cant be arsed with them at all.


BBC Scotland have played a large part in tarring 'your' club with the sectarian brush without the desire and will to address other teams problems too.


i cant be tarred as sectarian because i'm not sectarian. if anyone thinks i am, it's their problem.


I don't understand why you aren't concerned because you don't have a TV. Regardless of whether you have a TV or not this company is hellbent on blackening the name of Rangers.


the point is that the bbc doesn't get any of my custom, so it can do what the hell it likes. cancel your subscription if you hate it so much.


Are you telling us you don't care?


im not sure who the 'us' is here, but yes, what i'm telling you is that i dont care if the bbc thinks i'm a bigot. i only like spooks, anyway, and even that's went down hill.


football isn't politics for me. i just enjoy watching my team win. i know what the media's like and i find it all just extremely boring.


like i said, i appluad you for daring to stand up for what you think's right; its not something i think is important enough to protest about.


the irish government chose (as it does) to interfere in the politics of other countries - the bbc's reporting that. i'm just glad we're not like celtic supporters and dont feel the need to run to every authority we can find and beg for our view to be championed.

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like i said, i appluad you for daring to stand up for what you think's right; its not something i think is important enough to protest about.





people have come to the end of their tether.


when you find something that is important enough to protest about, it may be too late.

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TBH i'm not sure what the protest will achieve ?,i'm a great believer in give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves,I would appreciate more fight back from Rangers FC as a club,but at some point people will see through the Celtic fans agenda,good luck all the same.

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TBH i'm not sure what the protest will achieve ?,i'm a great believer in give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves,I would appreciate more fight back from Rangers FC as a club,but at some point people will see through the Celtic fans agenda,good luck all the same.



you'll be too busy at the bar anyway m8 :drink: :cheers:

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TBH i'm not sure what the protest will achieve ?


My thoughts exactly. Realistically, it can only let the beeb know that RFC fans are pissed off at them (which they already undoubtedly know) & get general publicity on that fact. I suppose the general publicity might be worth it as long as it doesn't tarnish the name of the support & club, which may well end up being the case depending on how it's handled by the beeb & other Mhedia. Nevertheless, good luck & keep cool if you're taking part.

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