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England Win Gay World Cup

Guest lazyscot

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Sounds like they discriminate against certain sexualities. Does that mean, non-gay football would be fine banning gays and calling it the "straight" world cup?


Somehow don't think so. Nothing against gays but you have to wonder when groups who complain of discrimination do it themselves so openly.


I know a feminist who hates golf with a vengeance because there are one or two men only clubs left. It doesn't seem to matter that most clubs go out of their way to welcome women by providing special tees and cards. Oh and women can play in the mens' competitions but not vice versa. She's also obviously not been held up by a really slow and oblivious female foursome that never let you play through...


She also thinks women only gyms are fine.


But anyway, not surprising England won it... :D Looks like Scotland didn't enter.

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