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Where�s The Mason�s In The Black?

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Our fÃ?®iends from the East End like to portray themselves as the victimised team in Scotland when it comes to officials and governing bodies making ridiculous and incorrect decisions. So much so, they like to regale us with their yawn inducing chant ââ?¬Ë?whoââ?¬â?¢s the Mason in the blackââ?¬â?¢. Given the recent run of decisions against us and benefiting ââ?¬Ë?themââ?¬â?¢, is it time to challenge this with a blast of ââ?¬Ë?Whereââ?¬â?¢s The Masonââ?¬â?¢s In The Blackââ?¬â?¢?


It certainly appears that the referees and their assistants have handed in their ââ?¬Ë?pinnies and penniesââ?¬â?¢ and taken to mass as of a Sunday. Now, before going any further, I have to say here and now, I, like the majority of Rangers supporters do not expect favouritism from the referees. All we ask is for parity.


When you look at the way Celtic as a club, from the boardroom, via the manager/players etc and finally through their fans, have attacked officials, it�s hardly surprising that they get they benefit of some very favourable decisions. In fact, it was dreadful refereeing (coupled with our inability to win away games) at the tail end of last season that enabled them to get back into the SPL race and win the title on the last day of the season.


Just ask Hugh Dallas how it feels to be on the receiving end of the wrath of the Tims. The bold Shug had his house (and family) attacked after the Celtc Shame Game, and lets not forget that he was struck on the head with coins during the game and at least 3 Celtc fans attempted to attack Hugh on the field of play. Hugh�s crime? Officiating a game fairly and evenly. The person (sic) who attacked Hugh Dallas� home after the above game can still be found wandering the corporate lounges at Parkhead. Yes, that�s correct, the guy who was found guilty in a court of law didn�t receive a lifetime ban for his crimes. Lets not forget that the fan who injured Fernando Ricksen still hasn�t been identified or banned from the Cesspit. So given the Celtc�s board (or the SPL / SFA for that matter) reluctance to impose the proper penalties for fans who attack officials, can you really blame the unbalanced Tims for continuing their attacks on officials? Don�t forget that these attacks are not consigned to internet chat forums, these attacks are real and the officials and their families are attacked going about their daily business.


The rabid Tims are helped in their quest by their lapdogs in the media, more commonly known as ââ?¬Ë?TWATSââ?¬â?¢ (Tims With Typewriters). They play down, or worse, donââ?¬â?¢t report these attacks, the publication of officials home addresses on forums, or deflect the blame to the ââ?¬Ë?Old Firmââ?¬â?¢, rather than laying the blame where is belongs, on the door step of Parkhead.


So am I advocating a similar approach? Off course not, but sometimes you have to wonder if this is the only way to achieve parity on the field of play. Lets face facts here, we all know that if there is a controversial decision made on Sunday at Parkhead, it�ll favour them as apposed to us. I�ll finish this with 2 quick questions:


1/ When was the last time a Celtc player was red-carded during an OF game at Park head




2/ When was the last time Rangers were awarded a penalty during an OF game at Parkhead?


Cammy F

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