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no, but a bit or decorum from our manager would be nice, What he has said is that we can have an opinion but it wont matter a fuck... Walter knows what he is doing and RE Miller, I was not happy at the time but the man is a Ranger (again) and I will back him. Rangers supporters make the club what it is, we provide the wages, therefore, our opinion should be taken in to account.


So who has Walter to consult before buying a player? The board, a supporters representative, season ticket holders, fan club members? He'll live and die by his decisions as Rangers manager our job as supporters is to support! Of course we can have opinions, but until we're on the payroll they don't count, Walters do.

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He does not have to "consult" anyone, but when there is such an obvious disregard for a player that at the time we were only talking about signing, for walter to come out and say that the supporters opinions dont matter is a bit cheeky.


My point was not about signings or whom WS should seek advice from, the point I was making is that when there are still some supporters angry that Miller signed, walter shouldn't be coming out with things like that.

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On the contrary, Walter has to be seen by all, both inside and outside the club, as the leader and manager and the opposition to Millers could have weakened his position and standing. He was right to say what he said.

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The point I was making is getting lost here.... Its not what he said, its the way he said it I suppose, to come out and say that fans opinions don't matter at a time when supporters are not happy anyway isn't very good in my opinion.

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Walter made a few statements like that last season when he was being criticised by the fans. I don't think its the sentiment so much as the way he delivers it sometimes which has riled certain fans.


Miller is apparently our best player tonight, so if he continues, he'll have justified the signing. The problem is, why did we spend money on him when we still had JCD on our books?

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Fans - all fans - are entitled their opinions. Walter is entitled to make team decision. I think Walter made a huge mistake with Miller and when this is obvious even to the manager, I won't hesitate to voice my opinions about his poor judgement. And if we are ready to see Miller as our best player tonight then God help us.

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