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Lets Get Right Behind The New Bears

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I dont rate Adam, Burke and Boyd but id never boo them, in fact I always want them to prove me wrong.


Its disgusting to boo a player who is trying to win YOUR team a game.


If I was going to make games this season Id try to counter act your nonsense by cheering Miller at every opportunity to show the guy he isnt hated by the straight thinking fan. And the sad thing is id probably get turned on in the stands.


I'm not so sure about that Gribz. I think there will be lots of right minded bears ready to shout down the boo boys, myself being one of them. You won't get turned on for cheering him. Maineflyer's going to get an earful from yours truly if he's as good as his moronic word...:wanker: :uzi:

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I will be honest i didn't want Miller back but i would never boo a Rangers player unless he done something on the park to dishonour the club.

As far as i am concerned he has a blank canvas and i will judge him on present form.

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Hey all I'm saying is that Booing your own players isn't very supportive

By gad, I think you have it. Booing Miller isn't meant to be supportive. It's not a question of how he plays, although it's probably a given that he will be awful, it's because he's not welcome and should never have been signed. Many thousands of supporters made this clear to Smith in public but he signed him anyway. So now we'll see who wins the day, Smith and Miller or those of us who think Rangers players should at least have a modicum of talent and shouldn't come to the club reeking with the stench of parkhead.


And don't worry, you will have plenty opportunity to tell us how you feel about it because happily unreconstructed bears like me will be everywhere in the stadium.

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I will be honest i didn't want Miller back but i would never boo a Rangers player unless he done something on the park to dishonour the club.

As far as i am concerned he has a blank canvas and i will judge him on present form.

Dishonour? What dishonour? If honour is being besmirched at this club then blame lies with those directors who have sat in affluent silence while the club's enemies have lied and tarnished our reputation. It lies with those so-called fans who sit on their lilywhite hands for 75 minutes on a matchday and refuse to criticise a chairman who has lied and stripped the club for twenty years.


Honour is more than just weasel words and it never survives self-deception. Booing Kenny Miller is simply expressing opinion. Live with it.

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Booing Kenny Miller is simply expressing opinion. Live with it.


And the expression your handing out is that your not a fan of the team as you obviously dont want him to suceed. Will you still boo him if/when he scores against Celtic??

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Many thousands of supporters made this clear to Smith in public but he signed him anyway.


Yes this is true and as much as 'ye can stick yer KM up yer ar$e' was a catchy little ditty, the fact of the matter is he wasn't playing FOR US at the time.


So now we'll see who wins the day, Smith and Miller or those of us who think Rangers players should at least have a modicum of talent and shouldn't come to the club reeking with the stench of parkhead.


Well, I didn't want to see us signing Miller either but apparently for different reasons from yourself. So if the rest of us are unfortunate enough that you get your wish and 'win the day' then you can tell Dick Advocaat, George Burley et all that they're shite as well :thup:


And don't worry, you will have plenty opportunity to tell us how you feel about it because happily unreconstructed bears like me will be everywhere in the stadium.


I've got no doubt whatsoever that'll be the case. Fun and games eh? :box:

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