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Lets Get Right Behind The New Bears

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This season and give them all our full support irrespective of who they played for before.. The booing of Kenny the other night does nothing to enhance our reputation worldwide for players not that we have much reputation after manchester and the thugs and vagabonds who besmirch the name of our club..


I have heard we are in for Larry Kingston of heartsand Steven Fletcher from hibs and this comes from my bro in law who has corporate facilities at the brox for 40k a year...


Anyway bears lets get right behind the new guys and give them a derrys walls welcome that they will never forget..

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Agree totally we now must get behind the team and booing Miller is doing nobody any good.

Kingston has been mentioned as an option on here a few times. I don't know if we will pay the cash for Fletcher and we do have a hell of a lot of strikers at the moment,so we may have to offload first. He is the type of player we should be after, one who can potentially increase in price.

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Im not sure I want anymore players from Hibs and Hearts. We are signing far too many players who have potential only and havent made the grade. We are crying out for that bit of experience and quality who can guarantee you that bit extra.


We'll all be right behind the team come August and I think the Boo boys will gradually go off Miller given time but there will always be some victoria neds who boo him.

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I will definitely be booing Miller at every opportunity. I have absolutely no qualms about it. Make no mistake, there are a great many who will be joining me and we will all hold our heads high while we do it. Some of us are heart sick of compromising our views in return for the refuge of political correctness.


I don't rate Miller and I certainly don't want him at Ibrox for a moment longer than it takes to get him out. Frankly, I have more concern for the long term future of this club than some imaginary "reputation". Who exactly is it that we're trying to impress with this reputation of which so many speak. We really need to stop being embarrassed to be Rangers fans and hold on to the product of our first 115 years.

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And you think that you booing will hound him out ? I wouldn't flatter yourself. If you don't think that Miller already knew the consequences of his re-signing then you are mistaken.


The only way the booing will hound him out will be if his performances are so poor and his confidence takes such a jolt - but that somehow will benefit the team ? OK, if you say so.


WS will stick with KM this season, I have no doubts - so we all better get used to seeing KM in blue again.


How do you equate "reputation" with being embarrassed about being a Gers fan - I don't understand that.

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It's not about our reputation as Rangers fans. Booing or not booing our own players is going to make any difference to our reputation. Even in the case of KM, I don't think it'll have any effect on his game as the lad's expecting as much from us anyway. However, we're supposed to SUPPORTING our team. You can pay your way in and think that's supporting them, but that's just giving the club financial support and won't make any difference whatsoever as to how the team performs on the park. The fact is that if you BOO your own players, you've got no right to call yourself a Gers supporter.

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It's not about our reputation as Rangers fans. Booing or not booing our own players is going to make any difference to our reputation. Even in the case of KM, I don't think it'll have any effect on his game as the lad's expecting as much from us anyway. However, we're supposed to SUPPORTING our team. You can pay your way in and think that's supporting them, but that's just giving the club financial support and won't make any difference whatsoever as to how the team performs on the park. The fact is that if you BOO your own players, you've got no right to call yourself a Gers supporter.

Ha ha, that could be straight out of the Follow Follow catalogue of handwringing. After supporting this club through almost fifty years, I'm not so easily deflected. Neither am I so weak-kneed and anxious to conform that I will ever accept Kenny Miller as a Rangers player. Boooooooooooooo

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Ha ha, that could be straight out of the Follow Follow catalogue of handwringing. After supporting this club through almost fifty years, I'm not so easily deflected. Neither am I so weak-kneed and anxious to conform that I will ever accept Kenny Miller as a Rangers player. Boooooooooooooo


Handwrinigng? Deflected? It's not a question of holding your tongue. The way I see it, we can all say whatever we like ON HERE about the players and management. Vent our fury as much as we want about poor decisions and form. There's a BIG difference between that and shouting 90 mins worth of abuse at the team on the park. It's a free country (or at least it's supposed to be) so noone's telling you what to do and what not to do here. I'm just pointing out the difference between being supportive through offering encouragement and being a selfish arrogant twit. Here ...Deflect this :throwpc:

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I will definitely be booing Miller at every opportunity. I have absolutely no qualms about it. Make no mistake, there are a great many who will be joining me and we will all hold our heads high while we do it. Some of us are heart sick of compromising our views in return for the refuge of political correctness.


I don't rate Miller and I certainly don't want him at Ibrox for a moment longer than it takes to get him out. Frankly, I have more concern for the long term future of this club than some imaginary "reputation". Who exactly is it that we're trying to impress with this reputation of which so many speak. We really need to stop being embarrassed to be Rangers fans and hold on to the product of our first 115 years.


I dont rate Adam, Burke and Boyd but id never boo them, in fact I always want them to prove me wrong.


Its disgusting to boo a player who is trying to win YOUR team a game.


If I was going to make games this season Id try to counter act your nonsense by cheering Miller at every opportunity to show the guy he isnt hated by the straight thinking fan. And the sad thing is id probably get turned on in the stands.

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