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RST appear to be breaking Supporters Direct rules

Guest Ernest Worthing

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Guest Ernest Worthing

Supporters Direct have issued a paper regarding the conduct of elections by Trusts that are members of SD:



Some of the issues are "Required" and some are merely "Recommended" as best practice.


The RST appear to have broken several of the "Required" rules, for instance by not indicating on the nomination notice how many people will be elected, the procedure to be followed, the complaints procedure, or by not requiring a statement from candidates. There are several other examples of "Required" rules apparently not having been followed.


If the RST wish to remain a member of Supporters Direct perhaps they should follow SD's rules.

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Your link doesn't work, EW. http://www.supporters-direct.org/downloads/pdfs/ElectionBestPractice.pdf


According to that, if there are more nominations than places, then a ballot of members has to take place after a mailshot, which would make it impossible for it to happen at the SGM.


However, chances are that there will not be more nominations than places.

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I think it's vital for the integrity of the Trust that they ensure they're working within SD rules.


Genuine honest mistakes and oversights can happen so hopefully the board will address the issues contained in the opening post.

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cheers man. all the signs leading up to it are not good - that meeting with murray and the bullshit bingo statement that followed, and then this. not the greatest. it'll be interesting to see how it goes.

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