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Rangers manager Walter Smith says the Ibrox club have no imminent plans to sell Scotland striker Kris Boyd.


Boyd, 25, struggled to gain a regular starting place last season and was the subject of a failed bid by Cardiff City earlier this month.


"We've never said we would to let him go," said Smith, who has signed three more strikers during the summer.


"Clubs are free to bid for a player, but it's not always the case that we're prepared to let him go."


Rangers have recently bolstered their strike force with the signings of Kenny Miller and Kyle Lafferty, while Andrius Velicka is due to join in July.


Smith has hinted that he is keen to do more business in the transfer market this summer.




Interview: Rangers assistant manager Ally McCoist

"The transfer deadline's got two months to go yet, so there's bound to be a bit of movement here and there," he said.


But assistant manager Ally McCoist insists that the purchase of three new strikers is not a reflection on Boyd.


"We've got even more competition for places," he said. "But if Kris Boyd does what he's good at then it'll be very difficult to keep him out.



Should Rangers sell Kris Boyd?


"It does give us one or two options now, but we're not necessarily looking to move people on straight away.


"Kris Boyd is the best finisher in the country. Why would you want to get rid of him?"


Sorry folks, couldn't resist posting this article :D

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Ah fuc\k it, I'll post it now anyway......


Article on Coisties expectaions of Miller


McCoist expects Kris Boyd, who was top scorer last season despite struggling to pin down a regular first-team place, to remain at Ibrox despite the arrival of three more strikers.


Cardiff bid for Boyd earlier this month but Rangers turned down their offer.


McCoist said: "Nothing is 100% guaranteed in football but I would be very disappointed if Kris Boyd didn't start the season, or finish the season for that matter, with us.


"In my opinion he is the best finisher in the country and I don't think many people would disagree with that.


"We want to keep our best players and we have somebody who can do the hardest job in the game, that is put the ball in the net.


"We would be crazy to let him go."


I agree with the bold bits, sure he wouldn't dare come on here himself and say it thou for fear of the backlash ;):D :fish:

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The things is if WS and Ally think he is the best finisher in the country then they would have played him more last season.


Either they are still holding off for a higher bid or are backtracking and see him as a player they need. But if the latter why sign 3 new strikers.


Something still isnt right on this one.

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The things is if WS and Ally think he is the best finisher in the country then they would have played him more last season.


Either they are still holding off for a higher bid or are backtracking and see him as a player they need. But if the latter why sign 3 new strikers.


Something still isnt right on this one.



Best finisher we have of course he is but as we know he is not a lone striker player so I don't see why they would play him more even if they do think he's the best finsher we've got. He didn't play more often down to our tatics IMO. When they played to his strengths he scored goals and had a big hand is helping us win our first silverware for a few years!

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