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Thats the thing though, IMO he has been working on his game, fair play, I dont get to the games compared to others with a differing view but to me it certainly looks like he's been working hard.


Great things? 70 goals in 105 games is pretty great, played in a 442 and a regular game that number would have been even higher.


Someone else said or a few have a while back, we have been crying out for a McCoist figure for years.


Negri could have been the one, as could Mols, BUT we have Boyd here NOW and his goal scoring record stands up to the best of them. He's still young and will keep improving......again, just my honest opinion on the matter.

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I was a little too young to really remember DJ playing for us, but have seen a lot of older footage etc. I was delighted he re-signed for us even if the memories are a little sketchy. Only other time I remember thinking that way was when Andy Gray signed for us.


Im getting all sidetracked and going way back in history now lol

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1. I didn't ay he hasn't been working on his game Jon. But any player who wants to truly be a GREAT has to constantly work on their game. He needs to CONTINUE working on it, that is what I am saying.


2. As I said, great things can be defined in many ways - some would say 70 goals in 105 games is doing "great things", others however would look for more than just goals (which is why there is so much debate about Boyd) - others want more of a contribution in team play and goals against the better teams. I am not saying that 70 goals is not great, just playing devils advocate.


3. I agree with you Re the need for a new McCoist - we have all been saying it for a long, long time. Boyd has McCoist's natural instinct to know where to be and when - it is the rest of his all-round game which leaves him sadly lacking behind McCoist - and this goes back to my point #1 - he needs to continue to try to improve. If he can show that he is willing and, more importantly, ABLE to improve then he is most definitely worth keeping.


4. I firmly believe that had Negri not taken the huff he would have become a legend and scored even more goals than Boyd. He was class and was a much more rounded player than Boyd. Mols was a fantastic player who offered so much more than Boyd IMO, except in the goal-scoring dept - he always required two markers because he was so dificult to pin down. They all offer different things but Negri & Mols were better players than Boyd. Boyd has better instincts than Mols IMO - all hypothetical now though.


5. We can't say he WILL keep improving, none of us know that - we can only HOPE he improves. If he puts forth the effort then great. If he isnt prepared to buckle down and try to improve his game then he will quickly become a bit-part player and will be moved on.

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Memory is not serving me to well at the moment, but I've said for a long long time I would have loved to see Negri and Mols as the front two. I 'think' Mols arrived as Negri took the huff but could be wrong.


As you say, we would have a front pairing with one having all the guile and skill in the owrld, needing two markers every game and another who just would not have stopped scoring!


Hindsight yes, but whatever the real reasons between the Negri and Porrini incident, I know who I would rather have came out on top and continued playing for us.


I probably tend to agree that Negri would have scored a lot more goals than Boyd too BUT he was playing in a far far better team with some real quality players behind him in midfield.


Boyd has the canny knack of scoring goals. One of the arguments most make about Boyd is not scoring against the better team but he only started 3 games against celtic and in Europe. How can he score if he isn't playing (even I wont go that far lol)


Mute point again I know cos the boyd debate could and has gone on and on and on.

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haha I dont know what you mean Barry ;)


Even for me, the past week has been ridiculous the amount I have posted on here.......and not even a single picture of a women.









PS, Boyd has to stay :D

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yup, lovety lovety. i really thought it would have worn off by now, but, no, love abounds.


now, you and craig get back to your boyd bantering. :)


Lovety lovety ??? I can't believe I will be 10 years married next week !

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