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Guest Ernest Worthing

Is it not strange that they publish some reasons for the resignations and not others ?


Either publish none, or publish all.

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Is it not strange that they publish some reasons for the resignations and not others ?


Either publish none, or publish all.


Can agree with that to an extent but all should come out at the SGM in any event...

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Guest 90minsofmadness
Can agree with that to an extent but all should come out at the SGM in any event...



I hope so, as all I really want to know is what dirction that the trust is going did the guys disagree with, and I think thats the biggest issue here.

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Totally agree with Pete's comments.


Whilst I can appreciate why Frankie and some others are keeping your counsel, the RST has to make public what has happened. One of the key messages from the RST to David Murray, and the club in general, is that they want a more effective and proactive PR presence to counteract some of the innaccuracies published about Rangers?


It seems to me that the RST are in crisis, and that inner wranglings are only going to give rise to further rumour and speculation until the RST take some of their own advice. As a body which has campaigned succussfully for Rangers fans to invest in them, they have a duty to be honest and transparent.


** PS - I have been away for a few days so may have missed something so apologies if this is the case **

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