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His comments about the reasons for MM's resignation were untrue.



Sadly, I thought as much. However I find it very interesting to see that he posted it himself where it can be picked up and quoted back, rather than get someone else to do it for him, as has been the way recently.


It is clear now that the real reasons for the resignations will not be issued by the current board.

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So far, it's just Daily Record speculation that the RST are moving towards Unionist/militant principles, and therefore should be ignored.


The replies johnnyk has received suggest the remaining board want to be more militant.

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This was a personal reason for not taking up the free membership much lawded months ago..... give them an inch and they will eventually take enough rope to hang themselves.


Too many idiots giving it the big "I AM" and this is the reason I stay well clear.

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The replies johnnyk has received suggest the remaining board want to be more militant.

I don't recall that from either of the bits that Johnny posted yesterday.


Response 1:


"There have been resignations as the people involved felt that they had

done as much as they could in their roles. There is nothing sinister

in it. We are a voluntary organisation, and as such, other commitments

come first. Some were unhappy with their roles in the RST, some didn't

like the direction of the RST. It happens in a large group, as I am

sure you will agree."


Response 2:


I got another reply but again it doesn't say too much.


It basically said some members want to be closer to the club, some further away and some who are happy where the RST is now. Also some personal circumstances such as people not getting on and people who feel they have done enough and need a rest.


And while letting their members know they will also be letting the 'enemy' know and could be used against them in the future.



Nothing there about being more militant, per se.

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I've just read the response on FF and I'm a bit disappointed by it tbh. Any attempts to find out what are going on seem to be getting brushed under the carpet. Which is fair enough if we say that the RST shouldn't be posting stuff on other websites about their affairs. But the Trust can't have it both ways can they and use sites like FF when it suits them?


I basically just want to know what's going on. A third of board members don't all choose to resign within days of each other for no reason. Or maybe they do and the Trust is about to step up a gear and that would call for more time. The cynic in me would suggest that these members didn't agree with the direction the Trust was going and decided to vote with their feet.


The Record piece is being blamed for de-stabilising the Trust, but IMO they've more than done that themselves with their silence since the resignations started. There was an EGM last night wasn't there? So are Trust members going to get an email today explaining what's going on?

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