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Conspiricy Theories

Guest ricky

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It happens in the media all the time and to people from every walk of life. If you upset the people at the top of the tree then expect a prompt character assasination in the papers. Some papers in Scotland are run by sellic fans, some by Rangers. Which paper was it so I know never to buy it again???

The Record.

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Guest TheWorthyEd
...load of codswallop :brick: As a Celtic fan im sick of hearing about them,from ourselves and latterly from Rangers fans.Some you win ...some you dont :yawn: .When in company out socialising and a fellow Tim starts that pish ,it bores me to tears and i find it quite embarressing TBH:sleep: :sleep: .Ive always said that i dont believe in conspiricy theories towards Celtic and similarly they dont exist towards Rangers.What we have are just very bad referees and equally bad people who ..ahem "run " the game.Whilst im glad we won the league,im glad that it took right up until the last game to win it .I just wish Hibs ,Hearts ,Abaaden and Dundee Utd could last the pace a bit longer,and make it a 3 or 4 horse race for a change


For me, season 2007-08 has no theories whatsoever.


It is a fact that this season has been tainted by the scent of cheating by one football club and one football club only.


I give you Cynical FC - the ambulance chasers of world football.


A more despicable shower of bas*ards you'll struggle to happen on to in life.


They have no shame, they have no scruples and they have no dignity.

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For me, season 2007-08 has no theories whatsoever.


It is a fact that this season has been tainted by the scent of cheating by one football club and one football club only.


I give you Cynical FC - the ambulance chasers of world football.


A more despicable shower of bas*ards you'll struggle to happen on to in life.


They have no shame, they have no scruples and they have no dignity.



C'mon, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think:fish:

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Guest ricky
For me, season 2007-08 has no theories whatsoever.


It is a fact that this season has been tainted by the scent of cheating by one football club and one football club only.


I give you Cynical FC - the ambulance chasers of world football.


A more despicable shower of bas*ards you'll struggle to happen on to in life.


They have no shame, they have no scruples and they have no dignity.

Where did we cheat???? Grow up.
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Where did we cheat???? Grow up.


Ricky, coming from the East End neighbours you must have grown up in conspiracy theories.


Some Rangers fans, legitimately or not (and none of the fans will EVER know for sure) maintain that the whole Phil O Donnell tragedy and subsequent postponement of the OF game smelt of desperation from Celtic - cheating ? Probably not technically. Unethical ? Quite possibly.


When you then consider that no such request was made for a man who gave up about 70% of his entire life for your club then inevitably there will be doubts made as to the reasons behind the original request.


Aside from the cheating you have the outright LIE of Peter Lawell claiming that extending the league would have the SPL lose its integrity - he was outed quite easily by Walter Smith who hit the nail on the head with his "Peter should just tell the truth and say he wants Rangers to play lots of games in a short space of time" - only the blindest of blind would agree with Lawell's official stance and not see through it.


It was a season of particularly poor officiating, both the OF benefitted from it but, in the last 6 weeks of the league Celtic more than Rangers - this doesnt mean that Celtic cheated but some Rangers fans will only see the last few weeks.


Funny how you are coming on here with your grow up comments after a satisfactory end to the season yet never made any such appearance when the shit was hitting the fan and all the Celtic fans were suicidal.


Enjoy your league win, however poorly Celtic played (best of a bad bunch and not for the first time since WGS came in) - but please dont patronise us with your posting.


It is a Rangers forum where the fans are entitled to their opinion. Celtic fans, like yourself, are entitled to - but dont play a holier than us attitude.

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Craig's right.


And Ricky, nothing personal here but I genuinely have never seen the point in any fan of a different club taking the time and effort to post on an opposing sides forum. that goes for any club nevermind the Old Firm.


Don't take this as a 'run along back to where you came from', but merely me being mystified as to just why you're here.

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Ricky came on under the premise of being quite gracious of the attitude of Gersnet regarding the Tommy Burns passing (if I remember correctly). I am sure there are some knuckle draggers in the Rangers support who really couldn't care less about Tommy Burns passing but, thankfully, Gersnet is not the place for those people.


I am, however, quite convinced, that had Rangers not drawn against Motherwell on Sat May 17 and handed the initiative back to Celtic in the league, we would never have been graced with Ricky's presence.


That is not to say you aren't welcome Ricky - you seem like a well-mannered, reasoned poster (even if you are a Tim) - but save the "grow up" comments for your own ilk who try to acclaim themselves as the greatest fans in the world at the same time as throwing themselves off the upper deck of Torbett Towers and terrorising referees who happen to give the CORRECT decisions against your mob in title deciders.

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Guest ricky
Ricky came on under the premise of being quite gracious of the attitude of Gersnet regarding the Tommy Burns passing (if I remember correctly). I am sure there are some knuckle draggers in the Rangers support who really couldn't care less about Tommy Burns passing but, thankfully, Gersnet is not the place for those people.


I am, however, quite convinced, that had Rangers not drawn against Motherwell on Sat May 17 and handed the initiative back to Celtic in the league, we would never have been graced with Ricky's presence.


That is not to say you aren't welcome Ricky - you seem like a well-mannered, reasoned poster (even if you are a Tim) - but save the "grow up" comments for your own ilk who try to acclaim themselves as the greatest fans in the world at the same time as throwing themselves off the upper deck of Torbett Towers and terrorising referees who happen to give the CORRECT decisions against your mob in title deciders.

Well that shows how little you know my good friend.I am more than willing to admit their was a large element of luck in our recent title win,and have no desire (as i have show thus far) to come on here and ram it down peoples throats.I also have stated that i prefer the "banter " side of things and have no time for bigotry,and the like,so whilst i agree with your comment with regards to "TGFITW shite" (i dont buy it either) there was no need for the Torbett Towers remark
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Guest ricky
Craig's right.


And Ricky, nothing personal here but I genuinely have never seen the point in any fan of a different club taking the time and effort to post on an opposing sides forum. that goes for any club nevermind the Old Firm.


Don't take this as a 'run along back to where you came from', but merely me being mystified as to just why you're here.

There are sevaral reasons,and i do understand where your coming from.Initially i just came on to express my gratitude and thanks to the ,many Rangers fans who took time to pay tribute to one of my clubs greatest ever servants (they didnt have to ...but did).Also TBH im not a great one for forums anyway ,but used post on Celticminded,and got pissed off and bored with it ,mainly because itis onesided if you like.I understand individual club forums are like that,but its more interesting if at least a few posters are from other clubs ,and especially your main rivals are on it surely?? Finally compared with your fellow Bears on FF you all seemed far more balanced and rational types:thup:
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The debate will go on and on as to why supporters of another club would choose to use another clubs forum. I personally dont have a problem with you posting at all.


There have been a few celtic supporters who have come on in the same manner, caused no trouble and put up a good debate, while staying polite and not looking to cause trouble.


I cant speak for everyone else, but as I said, I haveno problem with you posting on here.


Most come on to take the piss TBH, it doesnt appear you have that agenda.

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