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Kenny Miller - Deal Completed

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You might not agree with every Rangers signing but if one signing is going to stop YOU supporting Rangers, the YOU GTF, YOU're just not Rangers class!!!


I can't stand all this greetin' over a signing. I support Rangers as a team and club, NOT individual players. They are just incidental to the cause of the club. Players come and players go, as do managers, I only support them when they are at Rangers.


Too many people seem to think the club is like Big Brother or something.


I don't agree with the Miller signing but if Walter thinks he's got what it takes then I'll give him a chance. If he's rubbish I'll want him dropped. However, nothing, NOTHING will stop me supporting or watching Rangers. I don't have such a frivolous or fickle relationship with the team I'm fanatical about.


At the moment I'm far more disgusted with some so called fans attitude than the KM signing.

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You might not agree with every Rangers signing but if one signing is going to stop YOU supporting Rangers, the YOU GTF, YOU're just not Rangers class!!!


I can't stand all this greetin' over a signing. I support Rangers as a team and club, NOT individual players. They are just incidental to the cause of the club. Players come and players go, as do managers, I only support them when they are at Rangers.


Too many people seem to think the club is like Big Brother or something.


I don't agree with the Miller signing but if Walter thinks he's got what it takes then I'll give him a chance. If he's rubbish I'll want him dropped. However, nothing, NOTHING will stop me supporting or watching Rangers. I don't have such a frivolous or fickle relationship with the team I'm fanatical about.


At the moment I'm far more disgusted with some so called fans attitude than the KM signing.


Agree Calscot, except I dont think he is a bad signing. We could have got much better and i think the money is a bit over odds but I still think for Scotland he has done well.


He gets my full support and those who boo him are well out of order.

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Agree Calscot, except I dont think he is a bad signing. We could have got much better and i think the money is a bit over odds but I still think for Scotland he has done well.


He gets my full support and those who boo him are well out of order.


Best post you made in months Gribz ;) I do agree 100% though and he will get my support too. Ay player wearing our shirth will do.

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He's certainly saying the right things.


And, after signing a three-year deal yesterday, Miller was adamant he can prove his doubters wrong.

He said: "Playing for Celtic hasn't helped in terms of my popularity with the Rangers fans but I've heard a lot of things said and most of the time it comes back to one thing - a lot of Rangers fans don't want me because they just don't think I'm very good.

"I've seen my signing described as a backward step. Well, I don't believe it's a backward step and, most importantly, the manager does not believe it is.

"I'm hoping the fans will look at it rationally, look at what Walter Smith has done for this club and have a bit of trust in him. He has surely earned that trust by now.

"If he believes I can make Rangers stronger that's good enough for me. It's my job now to go out there and prove him right. I'll give everything to make sure that happens."

Miller's return to Ibrox looks set to provoke a similar reaction to that which greeted Maurice Johnston on his arrival at Ibrox in 1988.

But the 28-year-old insists no amount of flack will temper his joy at signing for Rangers again and the chance to team up once more with his onetime Scotland boss Smith.

Miller, who flew out on holiday last night, said: "I just can't explain how much this means to me. I honestly can't keep the smile off my face.

"The thought of coming back to a place such as Murray Park every morning to work for men such as Walter, Ally McCoist and Kenny McDowall - it doesn't get any better.

"Walter and Ally seem to know exactly how to get the best out of me as a player.

With Scotland they took my game to another level. I believe they can do the same now I'm back in a Rangers shirt."

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You might not agree with every Rangers signing but if one signing is going to stop YOU supporting Rangers, the YOU GTF, YOU're just not Rangers class!!!


I can't stand all this greetin' over a signing. I support Rangers as a team and club, NOT individual players. They are just incidental to the cause of the club. Players come and players go, as do managers, I only support them when they are at Rangers.


Too many people seem to think the club is like Big Brother or something.


I don't agree with the Miller signing but if Walter thinks he's got what it takes then I'll give him a chance. If he's rubbish I'll want him dropped. However, nothing, NOTHING will stop me supporting or watching Rangers. I don't have such a frivolous or fickle relationship with the team I'm fanatical about.


At the moment I'm far more disgusted with some so called fans attitude than the KM signing.


Time to get off your high horse mate. You have no right to judge who is Rangers class and who isn't Rangers class. I seem to remember pages and pages of anti-PLG posts from you. The difference is you write three pages which virtually meant the same as the three words being used on here. People are understandably angry at this move\signing. You say you don't support individual players but the club. Well hey maybe people are making these statements for the love of the club and see this move as a downward spiral. In time the dust will settle and people will get behind the team as ever but every supporter has a right to an opinion. You may think that your opinion makes you the best supporter in the world but if there were only head-nodders and yes men, then life would keep going down one road be it the good or the bad road. Maybe you should take your, i love me blinkers off and understand that this signing has thrown up the desert sand. A lack of understanding is also a negative point.

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At the moment I'm far more disgusted with some so called fans attitude than the KM signing.


At last a bit of common sense. I always thought the posters on here were a bit more mature than those on FF. I didn't like the badge thumping but players are mercenary nowadays, they're not all like Barry Fergie. Look, Miller has scored 11 goals for Scotland against decent opposition playing in the thankless lone striker's role. I suspect that's why WS bought him. Also, he'd be the perfect partner for Boyd; I reckon they'll get at least 30 goals between them - 24 for boyd, 6 for KM! I'd compare him to David Healy - not a standout at club level but for NI was exceptional. don't know why he fell off the radar.


All you doubters, NAME someone we could have got for the same money.

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All you doubters, NAME someone we could have got for the same money.


Oh, so the money is the important factor here. Lets take any crap as long as they are as cheap as chips.

Personally i would rather have taken a 4-5 million pound chance on Steven Fletcher or another player with the potential to bring in a profit. I fear Miller will only keep decreasing in value while holding a high wage. Just my opinion.

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