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Big clear out or just a touch up?

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so you think these players are good enough then to take us forward and improve?


squad players maybe but quality first team players not for me.


we must be aiming for better than this.


Hemdani - one of the worst players all season IMO, too defensive for the SPL

Weir - long season took it's toll and too old now IMO for another, back up yes

Boyd - unless he has a partner up front and quality to his feet/head he's not much good

Ferguson - not had a great season IMO we must be aiming for better no matter how much he loves the club

McCulloch - started ok but done nothing for most of the season IMO

Adam - talented but very lazy player who still acts like a 6 year old on the park when things don't go his way

Webster - injury prone what a waste of money

Davis - started great but has done nothing for a while, looks tired, gives nothing going forward IMO

Dailly - again started OK, back up fine but first team no way.

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Maybe we could let Hemdan leave and give John Fleck, Furman a shot at the first team

Weir has done amazing this season and if he can play 60 games this season, 61 tomorrow, well i am sure he can play another season

Boyd i agree he has to have a partner with him up front, a regular partner to get to know each other, no need to seel him though

Ferguson is our captain and leads by example, thought he had a great game last night

Super Lee had a great start to the season, but he has been hut with injuries since then, if he gets a good pre season under his belt he will be fine next season

Adam is someone who tries someting different, sometimes it doesnt come off but at times it does, when he pulls it off its amazing too watch. Last season he was great, this season he hasnt had a run in the team due to injuries

Webster if he gets fit he could be a great player for us

Do you blame Davis for being tired ? And the other players, Davis gets a pre season with us, setles into the team a bit more he will be a great player

Dailly has done well for us when coming in and would keep him

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it's all about opinions m8, but we won't move forward IMO with some or all of these players, just not good enough for me.


One thing about adam is when he tries things about 1 out 100 comes off, not good enough IMO.....

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I think the majority on here are old enough to remember the likes of Gazza and Laudrup playing for us, watching a fantastic style of football when Dick was in charge and now we've hit rock bottom watching dross week after week.


Laudrup only cost us about �£2.5M so we can afford world class players but these days WS spunked away �£2M+ on Lee McCulloch.

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I think the majority on here are old enough to remember the likes of Gazza and Laudrup playing for us, watching a fantastic style of football when Dick was in charge and now we've hit rock bottom watching dross week after week.



what i give for players like that now :(

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what i give for players like that now :(


They were the days! Waking up on a cold, wet Saturday morning and wanting to goto Ibrox to watch us play the likes of DUnfermline and St Mirren just because the likes of Gazza and Laudrup were playing.


Now on a cold, wet Saturday morning we're waking up and the thought of going to Ibrox to watch us play Gretna, Killie with players such as McCulloch and Broadfoot playing is depressing.

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