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Guest damien


The RST have had full control of their site since lunchtime yesterday. If they want to add news stories to it they now can.



Thanks Frankie, wish you luck on your new adventures.

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Is there something untoward at the RST Frankie, or difference of opinions ? Something can't be quite right with the plethora of resignations recently.


I could see yours being down to family commitments (not saying it is but it is plausible) - but far too coincidental for so many resignations in such a short space of time.

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As I posted the other week unfortunately I took the decision to resign because of a few issues which I can't go into here as I'm sure you'll understand.


It was NOT down to family/personal commitments.



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As I posted the other week unfortunately I took the decision to resign because of a few issues which I can't go into here as I'm sure you'll understand.


It was NOT down to family/personal commitments.




Understood Frankie.


Hopefully the Trust will at least elaborate somewhat on why there are a plethora of resignations - even if just to put positive spin on it. At the moment the lack of information is something we would attribute to the club historically, not the Trust.

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^ i think the words of "thanks" in the statements must ring a bit hollow if people are resigning for other than personal reasons, our of principle or whatever. although it depends on too mch unknowables. it will be an interesting agm.

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Rangers fans wrong to boycott Scotland, says SFA chief Gordon Smith


Jun 9 2008 By Hugh Keevins


GORDON SMITH last night hit back at the Rangers Supporters Trust's call for their team's players to boycott Scotland games.


The Trust are ready to make a formal request to club chairman Sir David Murray to withhold his players for matches involving the national team and withdraw from next season's Scottish Cup.


Rangers fans are still angered by the decision not to extend last season, which they believe gifted the SPL title to Celtic, but SFA chief executive Smith insists his organisation are not to blame.


He said: "The SFA are being targeted over something we had no control over.


"I don't think the Rangers fans have thought this one through. The SFA has no jurisdiction over the SPL fixture list.


"We offered to move the date of the Scottish Cup Final to ease congestion but the SPL weren't interested.


"It's highly unlikely Rangers will take on board any suggestion to boycott the national team or withdraw from the Scottish Cup.


"George Burley will receive maximum support when our World Cup qualifiers kick-off in September.


"The pride in the national team is still there and the manager will get the support of all clubs, including Rangers."


Has this got anything to do with the resignations?

Pretty stupid mistake hitting the SFA for an SPL descision.

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Must admit I think this interview doesn't really concur with the event time-line I'm aware of...


I understand what the Trust are attempting to do here but in this case I think they have misjudged the situation while wanting to be controversial for controversy's sake.


It's all very well calling for certain action but unless they have genuine evidence of having support for such action either from the club and/or a large number of fans then I think the Trust could isolate themselves from mainstream opinion.


We're all annoyed at the actions of the SPL last season - as well as certain other clubs - but any organised opposition to what happened should be done privately until such a time the called for actions are possible.

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The SFA arent to blame - they arent a well ran organisation either but if they did offer to move the Cup final then its the SPL we need to blame.


Taking Scotland players away also harms the individual. Im sure the Scottish lads want to play for their country.


I still think boycotting away fixtures next season would be an ok thing along with giving the middle finger to the SPL next time the ask a favour.

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Guest 90minsofmadness

This seems to be the 3 issues the Trust are proding at



1. withdraw players from the national team



2. withdraw from next season's Scottish Cup



3. boycott some SPL away games.


Fair enought boycotting some away games but the other two are daft.


I want to win all three trophies, and I love Scotland games and am proud when a Rangers player gets a cap.

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