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Summer 2008 Transfer Rumours Thread

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Im fed up being linked with SPL players. This has been a downfall for a few seasons - buying the supposed best of the other average lot.


I cant think of any SPL player from any other side id want at Rangers bar maybe Scott Brown.


I agree, there are no real stars or players with real quality either I would have as a first team player, maybe a squad player but we've got enough of those. We need some good foreign quality to mix with the players we have already IMO.


I would not pay �£2m for berra or reynolds ..............

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There is a severe lack of quality in the SPL and the style of play doesnt help along with the shocking pitches an weather.


We need to get into the continent for those players with that bit of quality. Countries like Sweden, Greece and Denmark are all on par with Scotland yet they make tournaments regularly and all play football in better conditions. We should look to these leagues for some quality. But then there is the problem with our style of play - they want to play football but our league is a 'high punt' meaning european players look like blank players.


There HAS to be a couple of bargains out there.

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of course there is but without a good scouting system we'll never spot any!!


Douglas,Wilkshire,Elia and Engelaar from FC Twente. Pass it on to Walter.

Douglas is a class defender and only 20 so a Couple of mil euro's will get him.



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Douglas,Wilkshire,Elia and Engelaar from FC Twente. Pass it on to Walter.

Douglas is a class defender and only 20 so a Couple of mil euro's will get him.




He was outstanding the other night. He'd be a fantastic signing

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I don't have a problem with us signing players from the SPL, particularly younger Scottish ones. I also don't have a problem with us paying the going rate for these guys as that's the market we're in now.


But like everyone else has said, we need to be supplementing these players with a few special ones, who will cost us more money and who we need to uncover through a decent scouting network unless we are willing to pay silly money on fees and wages again.

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I may be shot down for this opinion..... but I believe that Barry Ferguson is the player holding us back. On his day he is the best midfielder in the country, but we havent been getting him "on his day" very often recently.


The signing of Kevin Thomson was a good one (now proving to be a very good one IMO) but he seems to me to be the natural successor to Ferguson. That being the case and given KT has performed so well - and BF being an automatic starter, means we have 2 similar players in the middle of the park.


KT and BF should be COMPETING for a position, not starting together - with one of them not playing it opens up a position for a creative midfielder.


I would start KT beside a creative/flair player - KT could be our modern day Stuart McCall whilst we get someone else in to be our modern day Gazza to complement him.


The problem with this is obvious - WS will not drop BF, so until BF hangs up his boots we will be playing with KT and BF side-by-side - which means a lack of creativity.

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I may be shot down for this opinion..... but I believe that Barry Ferguson is the player holding us back. On his day he is the best midfielder in the country, but we havent been getting him "on his day" very often recently.




I think me and Pete will agree with you on that for starters, we have said this for maybe 2 seasons.


The problem is his position - where do you play him. we all know if he turns it on he will run the show but we cant play him just in hope of him playing well. I agree his best position now is further back infront of the defence and he and Thomson should be fighting for this slot.


Also, he is Mr No Blame, auto pick, captain.......Too much responsibility.

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