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Summer 2008 Transfer Rumours Thread

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Yip. And I think 99% of Gers fans decided in his first season that he and Ferguson just couldn't play together in the same midfield for various reasons.


Has much changed since then? I think he's maybe the most comfortable player on the ball that we have, but I've never thought we've got the most out of him tbh.


Since the turn of the year he's looked like the most uncomfortable player on the ball - especially in Europe. Most of his passes either went astray or to whoever was in goal at the time. I think that is a result of him panicking when he's closed down quickly.


Ferguson has had a very poor season by his own standards, but still looked far more composed on the ball and was far better at retaining possession and finding a team-mate - albeit sideways or backwards.

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heard riise from liverpool is on his way. a done deal apparently


That must mean that Stevie Smith is not likely to recover from his injury. What's the news on him, anyone heard? Think Riise is a great player, can play left midfield, but LB is really his position surely.

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heard riise from liverpool is on his way. a done deal apparently


We could never afford his wages surely? I think he'd be a great signing, but just can't see it happening.


Surely out there though, amongst all these multi-millionaire Premiership players, there must be a few who have made more than enough money and would come up here just for a new challenge?

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The McGregor thing just won't go away, its one of those stories which has been around for ages now. 9M is a hell of a lot of money for a keeper who many fans never wanted to be the number 1 and were slating at the start of the season. He's had a turnaround of Hutton-like proportions.


I think his case is slightly different to AH though. You could conceivably build a team around AM, assuming he was happy to stay, with him as our keeper for the next 8 years or so. So maybe taking 9M for him now is even more short sighted than taking it for an outfield player.


I think Alexander has done well as a deputy, but has been prone to the odd rush of blood to the head and he doesn't seem as solid a shot stopper as McGregor. Has he got what it takes to be our new number 1? I'm not so sure, but on the other hand, keepers thrive on confidence and starting as our first choice keeper first season with a settled back 4 in front of him might be just what he needs to raise his game to the next level.


The other thing is, if we got 9M for AM, would WS get any or all of that to reinvest?

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Riise would be a great signing but really cant see that. There will be plenty of Premier League clubs after him and willing to give him 30-40k a week.


Agree with Mike on McGregor. He would be a huge loss. He is the most improved player in the squad. I for 1 didnt want him as our first choice keeper over a year ago but I was happy to eat humble pie this year. Alexander is a good back up at best but not what we need as our keeper.


Would anyone take 9 million for McGregor if we could replace him with Craig Gordon for 7 million?? I know the chances of that happening are ultra slim as Murray would never give the funds directly back. But its an interesting question. Personally I prefer McGregor on this seasons form to Gordon.

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I don't think there's much between McGregor and Gordon now. AM has closed the gap massively since he started playing for us every week. I always said that Gordon's main advantage was his experience. I'd be happy with either one of them as our number 1, but I'd only let AM go if someone like CG was lined up as a replacement beforehand.


Neither are a complete keeper yet and both have their weaknesses, but AM is massively improved and I really think he's challenging CG for the number one slot.

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That must mean that Stevie Smith is not likely to recover from his injury. What's the news on him, anyone heard? Think Riise is a great player, can play left midfield, but LB is really his position surely.


This is a strange one as Riise's wages will be high. Very good signing IMO but where does he play ? I would rather stick with a fully fit Stevie Smith (if he ever gets fully fit.....) and in LM we have Beasley and McCulloch, although I think I might prefer Riise to either.


Difficult one even if he is a very good player.

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