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Summer 2008 Transfer Rumours Thread

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Was Hemdani not once the POTY because he was the most consistently adequate out of an extremely bad lot?


Yip. And I think 99% of Gers fans decided in his first season that he and Ferguson just couldn't play together in the same midfield for various reasons.


Has much changed since then? I think he's maybe the most comfortable player on the ball that we have, but I've never thought we've got the most out of him tbh.

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Shaun Maloney anyone? Heard today we are looking in to the possibilities of a �£3.5 million bid? Possibly bullshit just something that was making its way round my work today.


Apparently the paper talk yesterday was that both us and Celtic wanted Maloney.


Decent signing but is he the best we could get for 3.5 mill ? As Mike says, if Celtic are in the running the chances are he would go there first.

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Shaun Maloney anyone? Heard today we are looking in to the possibilities of a �£3.5 million bid? Possibly bullshit just something that was making its way round my work today.


His agent has said today that he's happy at Villa. Someone on FF (I think) posted this up before the papers got wind of it and when interviewed on Scotland duty he said he'd come back to Scotland at some point.

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Stoke City have joined Fulham in the race to sign Rangers' �£3m-rated striker Daniel Cousin. (Daily Record)


Rangers are interested in signing Aston Villa striker Marlon Harewood. (Daily Mirror)


Wolves have offered Burnley �£2.5m and Stephen Elliot for Northern Ireland striker Kyle Lafferty. (daily Mirror)

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Stoke City have joined Fulham in the race to sign Rangers' �£3m-rated striker Daniel Cousin. (Daily Record)


Rangers are interested in signing Aston Villa striker Marlon Harewood. (Daily Mirror)


Wolves have offered Burnley �£2.5m and Stephen Elliot for Northern Ireland striker Kyle Lafferty. (daily Mirror)


Hopefully Wolves get Lafferty. If we spent a few million (4 reported) on him plus the 1.6-1.9 reported on Miller then that is a total waste of money.

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I can't believe there's another club in the running for Cousin. Great stuff. Although if the rumours about the transfer fee are to be believe, then we're only going to be getting 500K or so for him towards a new player.

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