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Arsehole! :brick:


I clearly didn�t say that no other football team has trouble with fans. In the past Celtic have came back with nothing but praise from the authorities when they play away. In the past Rangers have came back with nothing but bad reports and shame. It�s been reported in the news plenty of times. If supporters can�t go 3 hours or so hours down the road and have 50 odd arrests then something has to be done surely? And to stab a rival supporter BEFORE the match had taken place! Seen it plenty of times when it�s an Old Firm match but for a game that, if won, would have been down in history it�s shocking. The only memories of this game will be the violence, not the football that went on in the stadium. I feel sorry for the real supporters of any team who have to get tarred with the same brush as the rest but sadly it seems that only a small minority are real fans.

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I doubt he even has that many brain cells S_A.


Seems to me that there was a pre-meditated opinion of the Rangers fans in general and they were just waiting to cast us in type.


Utter nonsense. And to suggest that "In the past Celtic have came back with nothing but praise from the authorities when they play away" shows how ignorant folk are - you only need look at Celtic's run to the UEFA final in 2003 and you will see any number of incidents along the way.


Typical bias, screw them all. The very SMALL MINORITY took part in the violence last night and, even then, not all were Rangers fans !

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Seems to me that there was a pre-meditated opinion of the Rangers fans in general and they were just waiting to cast us in type.


Nail head hit! :thup:


We were losing before the day began with this mob.

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