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Champions League Tuesday

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Possible but I really hope not. This seems to be Liverpools competition, I just wish they would do it in the league from the start of the season and consistantly do it. They should be challenging properly every year......being the most successful English club in history :D

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Wasn't a penalty. Simple really Jon boy. The foul, if any, wasn't committed by Toure, it was committed by the other defender and it looked, to me at least, to be outside the box.


Good result for Liverpool over the piece obviously - didnt really see too much as I was at work. I presume Pool were the better team 2nd half ?


Arsenal are very close to being a great team but Wenger's stubbornness to not properly enter the transfer market is hurting them big time.


I will console myself in the knowledge that Liverpool will win as much as Arsenal this season - fuck all !

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