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Pompey in the final!!


Id have rather seen an all Championship final but fair play to Portsmouth - they won at Old Trafford.


Huge favourites for the cup which is credit to 'Arry now but Cardiff may have something to say....or even Barnsley!!!

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Hopefully Barnsely can make it tomorow


Im actually hoping for Cardiff, i think they would give pompey a better game. Although I hope the winner of this tie wins the cup.


I Still think if Cardiff can play in this comp then the OF can.

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Guest Ibroxian
I want Barnsley to win :)


Me too, I think they're most peoples dream now team aften them beating Liverpool and Chelsea. Any team who beats those two deserves the cup.

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I'm hoping Cardiff win it, just cos of the Gers connection - they've got Stevie Thompson up front and Gavin Rae, probably at right back.


That's a crazy idea mate, who would think of such a thing :fish:

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Guest Ibroxian

Barnsley out! Shame but Cardiff v Portsmouth is still a fairytale final. Neither have been in the final since before WWII. Bit of old school feel about it.


I'm undecided who I'd like to win it. Barnsley would be nice... doh!

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Shame for Barnsley, but they have won 2 cup finals this year already by putting Liverpool and Chelsea out. then they get rewarded with a further pay day at Wembley yesterday so they cant complain.


I hope Cardiff give Portsmouth a game. If they get Fowler and Jimmy Floyd to give amazing fitness recoveries then who knows!


But Id like to see Harry win the cup. At the start of the season you'd take a Pompey winning the cup just to see Man Utd Liverpool not winning it. But with Cardiff there aswell you want the underdog.


Its a good cup final where it will be good to see whoever wins it.

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