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How many other managers defend their players to the extent he does, even when clearly wrong, yet at the same time can accuse the opposition and even want them banned for life, for similar actions?


It's natural for managers to defend their players, most I believe will at times relent to their own players being at fault. I have never witnessed this with Wenger.

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But what manager would openly criticise his own players ? It is detrimental to team spirit.


That is all that Wenger is doing IMO - defending his players in public - no different to SAF, Mourinho, Benitez et al.

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Yeah they do, and they should do!! I think the problem only arises because he is so quick to point out refs and other players/teams mistakes but not his own/his players!!


Grrrr uou summed up in one sentence what I was trying to say :S

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SAF Mourinho and Benitez will all come out and say their team as played bad!! Theie team didn't deserve to win! Wenger won't he will find someone else to blame, be it an opposing player or the ref. Criticising a single player is different to the whole team though! Sometimes the players just need to know it's not acceptable

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Yeah they do, and they should do!! I think the problem only arises because he is so quick to point out refs and other players/teams mistakes but not his own/his players!!


Because he doesn't want to damage the players morale by criticising him in public.


SAF is EXACTLY the same.



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SAF Mourinho and Benitez will all come out and say their team as played bad!! Theie team didn't deserve to win! Wenger won't he will find someone else to blame, be it an opposing player or the ref. Criticising a single player is different to the whole team though! Sometimes the players just need to know it's not acceptable


Who did Wenger blame after the defeat to Chelski last week? :confused:

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Pass i didn't watch :D Wasn't it the refs fault??


No because the ref had a good game from what I can remember of the match.


Remember SAF when Man City beat them at OT a few weeks back? He blamed the ref cause he never gave United a penalty. He followed that up with something like by not awarding that penalty the ref chose to side with Man City so the Man City players knew they'd get off with everything that game.


Every manager'll moan after a defeat.

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Your completely missing the point Gav (and Craig whos is now ignoring). I may criticise Wenger for always blaming someone else.


The point in this thread are the comments with regard the tackle/sending off yesterday.


Gav, you have already said the tackle was not protective. Wenger did. What does that say to you? To me he is defending a player wrongly who he has already said warranted a red card for said tackle.


And I thought I was blinkered in my views.....nothing like you Gonners eh !

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