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Do You Still Get The ââ?¬Ë?Buzzââ?¬â?¢?

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Was talking to a workmate today regarding the growing excitement and expectation as we are now well into Old Firm week. Now, my new workmate is a lot younger than myself and said that since the final whistle on Saturday, she has thought of nothing else other than the impending visit from the hooped horrors. I must admit that I feel envious of my workmate, as it appears that I have lost that buzzing feeling (no sick jokes please!). Don�t get me wrong, come Saturday my stomach will be like a washing machine on a full cycle and I�ll bite my finger nails to the quick (no matter how the game is going).


However, I can remember the days where I would be feeling like my workmate is. I would be laying bricks all week, thinking of little else that the game. I would be plotting out in my head the way I thought that the game would go. If we lost, Iââ?¬â?¢d be like a Bear with a sore head ââ?¬â?? I wouldnââ?¬â?¢t speak to anyone for days. Donââ?¬â?¢t get me wrong, Iââ?¬â?¢ll still be raging if we lose on Saturday. But, I wonââ?¬â?¢t be as bad as I used to be.


I am sitting here trying to remember that last time I got the buzz ââ?¬â?? the Bremen game at Ibrox springs to mind ââ?¬â?? as does the CL games this season, especially the Barca games. I very rarely get the buzz now for domestic games and I donââ?¬â?¢t know why? Maybe itââ?¬â?¢s my age? Maybe Iââ?¬â?¢ve been going to see the Rangers for too long now? Maybe I take Rangers and the whole experience of follow following for granted? I hope it is not the later as I realise that I am one of the lucky ones. I an lucky that I can get to Ibrox every other Saturday and that I am able to attend away games, European ties etc. It is something that I try not to get blasÃ?© about as I understand that I am privileged and try to remind myself of this every time I set out to see The Rangers.


Maybe Iââ?¬â?¢ll never get the same buzz back (it reappears on occasions like Helicopter Sunday ââ?¬â?? I just knew something special was going to happen that day ââ?¬â?? like Big Marv, I kept believing) but I hope that it does return as listening to my work colleague today, I bloody miss that buzz.


Cammy F

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Monday to Friday, no problem. Having a bit banter at work with the dhims, all good clean/ish fun.


By Saturday I'm absolutely hee hawing myself. The thought of winning coupled together with the thought of losing is not good for your health. As a matter of fact, it's AGONY.


Wouldn't change it for the world though. :thup:

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Personally i think it is age related. Your family responsibilities tend to push football into the background as well. On saying that Rangers are on my mind almost every hour of the day. I have found myself clenching my fist this week and hitting it softly off the table and saying to myself "we've got to beat the Barstewards. I get very nervous building up to the game and am normally grumpy getting near kick-off. If we get beat i stay out everyone's road for an hour.

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Ive certainly still got the buzz for the OF game even from 8000 miles away. Ive had it since Sunday knowing our next game is them. This week is dragging coz im looking forward to the weekend with some beers saturday afternoon for the game.


Maybe its also the fact we havent played them for so long but even when we have played them 2 or 3 times in a short time i still had the buzz.


Im not as excited as I was maybe 10 years ago but I still cant wait. Ive never had nerves for these games at Ibrox though.

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Was talking to a workmate today regarding the growing excitement and expectation as we are now well into Old Firm week. Now, my new workmate is a lot younger than myself and said that since the final whistle on Saturday, she has thought of nothing else other than the impending visit from the hooped horrors. I must admit that I feel envious of my workmate, as it appears that I have lost that buzzing feeling (no sick jokes please!). Don’t get me wrong, come Saturday my stomach will be like a washing machine on a full cycle and I’ll bite my finger nails to the quick (no matter how the game is going).


However, I can remember the days where I would be feeling like my workmate is. I would be laying bricks all week, thinking of little else that the game. I would be plotting out in my head the way I thought that the game would go. If we lost, I’d be like a Bear with a sore head – I wouldn’t speak to anyone for days. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still be raging if we lose on Saturday. But, I won’t be as bad as I used to be.


I am sitting here trying to remember that last time I got the buzz – the Bremen game at Ibrox springs to mind – as does the CL games this season, especially the Barca games. I very rarely get the buzz now for domestic games and I don’t know why? Maybe it’s my age? Maybe I’ve been going to see the Rangers for too long now? Maybe I take Rangers and the whole experience of follow following for granted? I hope it is not the later as I realise that I am one of the lucky ones. I an lucky that I can get to Ibrox every other Saturday and that I am able to attend away games, European ties etc. It is something that I try not to get blasÃ?© about as I understand that I am privileged and try to remind myself of this every time I set out to see The Rangers.


Maybe I’ll never get the same buzz back (it reappears on occasions like Helicopter Sunday – I just knew something special was going to happen that day – like Big Marv, I kept believing) but I hope that it does return as listening to my work colleague today, I bloody miss that buzz.


Cammy F



I kind of know what you mean Cammy, I mean I don't love the Gers any less than I did when I was younger but maybe if there wasn't the possibility of playing them 6 times a season (2 possible cups and 4 league games) it may help. Twice a season in the league would be sufficient. Or, is it that now I'm getting older the time passes a helluva lot quicker ?!?

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Well since all the talk of it started yesterday manily i have been getting nervous from then.

Leading up to Old Firm games, i always get the Rangers songs out an play them all the time. Winding the manks in school all week how we are going to pump them, got loads of berves this now, god knows what i will be like at 12pm Saturday afternoon when i enter Ibrox. I go in and just stare at the unwashed players and fans for about 5 mins, get something to eat. Then the seat i have for the Old Firm game is next to the tunnel, so when the Celtic players are going into the changing rooms to get ready , i can shout abuse at them. When the Gers players are going in you can get them fired up for it


I can't wait, seeing Thomson flatten Brown, seeing McGeady getting two footed, seeing Donati getting the pish ripped out of him etc etc


Am excited :D

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Personally i think it is age related. Your family responsibilities tend to push football into the background as well. On saying that Rangers are on my mind almost every hour of the day. I have found myself clenching my fist this week and hitting it softly off the table and saying to myself "we've got to beat the Barstewards. I get very nervous building up to the game and am normally grumpy getting near kick-off. If we get beat i stay out everyone's road for an hour.


spot on pete. as a teenager my nerves would be tingling for a week waiting on the fixture but these days i have to go and do a full shift at work before the match which really takes the excitement out of it for me.

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spot on pete. as a teenager my nerves would be tingling for a week waiting on the fixture but these days i have to go and do a full shift at work before the match which really takes the excitement out of it for me.



Just like me then, cannot wait :D


Listning to a few songs this now :)

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