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ATTENTION etc - the gersnet writers guild

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Not sure if I have the confidence to write a piece but will certainly assist with the editing.


I dunno mate, I think all the regular contributors here have the necessary skilsl to write something worthwhile. You just need an idea.

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Possibly, I have the confidence in the writing of something, but the idea is maybe where I'm struggling.


I'd like to write more. I quite enjoy "sports journalism" (lol) as a hobbie. Like you though sometimes I struggle for ideas. However i'd been thinking about "Mad March" this weekend and thought I definitely had enough thoughts to cobble something together. It'll be good for the traffic on the site if those of us who contribute regularly can write a few peices for the main site.

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Yeah, I agree mate. I will try and think of something as I have wanted to for a while now. Any suggestions on any topics from anyone at all, I'll certainly have a go.


Unfortunately, I have the time as I've been signed off yet again :S

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Yeah, I agree mate. I will try and think of something as I have wanted to for a while now. Any suggestions on any topics from anyone at all, I'll certainly have a go.


Unfortunately, I have the time as I've been signed off yet again :S


How about doing an article critiquing Arsene Wenger and his comments Jon ? :fish:


How long you signed off for this time ?

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