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I dont think so, the guy is still a hypocrite when it come to the tratment of his team and then the defence of them when they are at fault.


Most managers are like that though. There are very few managers who are not !


And anyway, it is a managers responsibility to defend his players in public, and deal with misdemeanours privately

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Fuck me, all managers defend their team. You're having a go at Wenger for defending his team and saying what he did post match about the tackle. As Craig said it was in the heat of the moment.


I'd like to see some of the reactions on here if someone snapped your leg, your mates leg etc.


Every manager must be a hyprcrite then.

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I suppose you think he's the only manager to do it?


Whatever he does, it works. It's about team spirit Jon. He'll defend his players in public but deal with the situation properly behind closed doors. He's an extremely clever man if you ask me.

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Wenger's stubborness at times is what makes him a winner.


I can never understand people who dont think emotion cant come into football, things happen on the spur of the moment and its natural for people to make rash comments at times.

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