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Club Statement: UEFA charge

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10 hours ago, Bluedell said:

Are the RRC part of the UBs, or totally separate? Does anyone know? I thought they were part of it, but now I'm not so sure. 

I have no idea. 

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The club should say it was just a spoof. A collection of words randomly put together to on bedsheets that would provoke a debate to nowhere.


What else could it be?

What group of fans aren't bright enough to elaborate a message that no one knows the real meaning of ?

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14 hours ago, ranger_syntax said:

I think a 'foreign ideology' is distinct from race.

Yes. Difficult to argue that eg, National Socialism, or Leninism, are identifiably racially determined, but both might come under the rubric of 'foreign ideology'. 



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10 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

Yes. Difficult to argue that eg, National Socialism, or Leninism, are identifiably racially determined, but both might come under the rubric of 'foreign ideology'. 



Not quite. One is a national ideology; the other is an international ideology.

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19 hours ago, JohnMc said:

Sorry, is 'over the Atlantic' not 'foreign' then? I mean you read it how you want, but the word 'foreign' is used and its meaning is fairly clear and agreed upon. 

In this context, those shouting racism are only looking at the use of the word "foreign".

So is it racist to criticise the US for many of its social ideologies that have crossed the pond and have been adopted by those looking to silence free speech? 


There is nothing racist about that banner, but it will be used to silence alternative views and create a disproportionate response. 

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16 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

Not quite. One is a national ideology; the other is an international ideology.

Both 'foreign' in origin, and, fortunately for us, in application and practice. 

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1 hour ago, JohnMc said:

Maybe, but it's semantics and I doubt UEFA will see it that way. I also doubt the club will make a defence based around whatever the banner meant, I suspect they'll point to the fact the club aims to be as inclusive as possible and the banner wasn't sanctioned and has been criticised and hope for leniency. 

Sure but I'm not so interested in U.E.F.A. and the club on this matter.


I am interested in why people, Rangers supporters in particular, arrive at certain conclusions about the banner.

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57 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

Yes. Difficult to argue that eg, National Socialism, or Leninism, are identifiably racially determined, but both might come under the rubric of 'foreign ideology'. 

I'm not sure what point you're making but this is a great opportunity to talk about Lenin.


Imagine if we had a guy with his personal qualities in charge.


We wouldn't be under the boot heel of U.E.F.A. for very long.

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My understanding of the Rangers Riot Crew was that they were the 'fighting division' (for lack of a better term) of the UBs, although I'm not 100% sure that they are part of them.


They have organised fights with other similar fan groups, usually in a remote location, both in the UK and overseas. A typical fight would be 8 v 8 for a minute 20 seconds. The fights generally seem to be carried out with an element of respect.


RRC have formed a friendship with Southside Lyon (SSL).


Just in case anyone is interested.



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