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Has Barry shown enough to be considered new manager?

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6 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

As much as I admire what Barry and his team have done I don't think we can afford to take such a chance with our next appointment after so many faiures.  I would be very happy with him as assistant manager.  We do need a strong Scottsh presence in and around the team.

Pretty much my thinking.  Does he have the tactical acumen for the job? Probably not.  What he does have is the ability (seemingly) to get the team geed up and ready to go, instill a bit of the "Ranger's spirit".  That can be done as an assistant.  If he can learn from an experienced manager, he might be an option i the future, but if not we at least get some of the passion from him in the meantime.  There's an argument that with the EL progression and the result yesterday, he's earned the right to have a shot.  If we don't think he's ready for the big job (and I don't think he is) then AM seems a possibility.

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