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I would say this sentence alone condemns the flag. Considering our contentious history, the fact we have flags that have ulterior motives rather than anything to do with Rangers, means that it's not surprising they are interpreted as malignant.


Sorry, but your quote sounds like the sheep's clothing for whatever wolf that is being covered up.


I just feel that people should be allowed to show support for the people who defend this country.


If that means flying a flag at a football game I personally don't see whats wrong with it.


Where else would people get their opinions noticed by thousands.


Not everyone has a slot on a tv show or newspaper column where they can get their views noticed by the nation.


If flying these flags are used for any other motives, In an antagonistic manner or used for point scoring in any way for example this is of course a different matter.


I still stick by:

" It's a sad day when you can't fly a flag supporting those that defend our country"
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This would probably be fine at another club, but so many people have hijacked Rangers for their own political and often insidious ends, that the Royal ensign loses all meaning at Ibrox - not many will think it has anything to do with the navy. The true intentions of the flag are lost as they cannot be trusted.


As such, it unfortunately becomes a less dignified show of support. It's like Boruc crossing himself, it's harmless, but in the context of the Rangers, Celtic rivalry, it ends up being undignified for his own religion.


Red hand salutes are bad for our club and Ulster as they look like and are interpreted as Nazi salutes.


There is a difference between freedom and appropriate behaviour in a society, otherwise we have absolutely nothing to complain about Celtic fans at all.


In fact we should be extolling the same freedom's for them and also encourage flags for the IRA, Al Qieda, the Nazis etc.


Big Jock used his freedom to not report something to the police. If we're going to be so sancetmonious we shouldn't be hypocritical. But hey, hypocrisy is another freedom to be encouraged eh?

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what are these insidious ends that come from someone flying a british flag? here again you jump from "likes britain" to "secretly would like to see all catholics murdered" with no justificaiton.


Perhaps, but you only have to remember all the f.t.p. brigade to see that it's not much of a leap for your average Rangers fan. Many posts on other forums show things haven't changed that much.


The pseudo sectarian baggage we have in Scotland, may not be the biggest sociological problem, but it is quite undesirable and distasteful none-the-less.


In England, there is still quite a bit of latent racism which I don't like at all either.


You could say there is a big leap from red hand salute to nazi-ism but perception is a powerful thing, and naivety is not usually accepted as an excuse.


For me it's a bit like having a wayward, loud and embarrassing brother who doesn't quite do anything illegal although he shows a lot of prejudice; you defend him to outsiders but in private you try to get him to behave himself in future.

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PS Is it not a sad day when you can't express your religion in public eg by crossing yourself?


It sure is and I personally think the whole Boruc thing was blowen out of proportion. I don't know why you think I disagreed with Boruc crossing himself.


I take on board your point that others will see an alterior motive in flying these flags but I don't feel that should stop us paying respects to those in the forces.


I don't think anyone on here would question Cammy's motives over this flag so I really can't see the problem with flying it at Ibrox.


Why should all of us be tarred with the same brush just because some of our support fly certain flags to get a rise out of our rivals ?

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Well, I might as well make my final post on here a good one :)


Good stuff from Calscot once more, i've always agreed with the vast majority of what he has posted, it's just a shame that certain sections of our support continue to drag their knuckles instead of looking to a more modern inclusive future


Would be nice to see more people with views like Cal's on here, but that will never happen, as i've already stated that such views are not really welcomed on here - maybe the people who run this forum will one day sit back and actually wonder why the membership rarely seems to grow, but i very much doubt it. The views of ALL rangers fans should be tolerated on here, and whilst we may not always agree, some level of respect should be given


With that i bid you all adieu!!

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^ another dramatic goodbye f_j? who would fake their id to get back on somewhere they hated? this persecution complex is pish. ask calscot if he feels persecuted here - his views get plenty of respect because he is grown up to argue them intelligently. gtf.

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